Congratulations, Prof Ujang Sumarwan Elected as Chairman of the Academic Senate of IPB University

Congratulations, Prof Ujang Sumarwan Elected as Chairman of the Academic Senate of IPB University

Selamat, Prof Ujang Sumarwan Terpilih sebagai Ketua Senat Akademik IPB University

The Academic Senate (SA) of IPB University held a plenary session to read the final memorandum of office, the election of the Chairman of SA and the handover of office (sertijab) from the Chairman of SA for the period 2019-2024 to the Chairman of SA for the period 2024-2029. The activity was held on Monday, 26/2 in the Academic Senate Room, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.

After discussion among senators and election through e-voting, the Chairman of SA for the period 2024-2029 was finally elected, Prof Ujang Sumarwan, Lecturer of School of Business, IPB University.

Prof Yonny Koesmaryono, Chairman of SA for the 2019-2024 period handed over the position of Chairman of SA directly to Prof Ujang. In his speech, Prof Ujang thanked the senators who gave him the mandate.

“Insyaallah with the support of all of you, we can carry out this mandate as well as possible. Of course as Chairman of the Senate I have a commitment to serve with integrity, transparency and dedication. We will also realise together the importance of academic governance for the future of IPB University,” said Prof Ujang.

He continued, in carrying out his role as chairman, Prof Ujang asked for support from members of the Academic Senate in carrying out their duties. “The Academic Senate is the vanguard, the first place in guarding academic norms and ethics. I believe collaboration and consensus are catalysts for positive change, therefore I will encourage open communication as well as partnership commitments across units,” he said.

Previously, Prof Yonny Koesmaryono, Chair of the SA for the 2019-2024 period said that each SA commission had made extraordinary contributions and phenomenal achievements. “As Chairman of SA, I would like to thank the leadership and all senators for their support. Let us together contribute to realising a better IPB University in the future,” he said.

Prof Syukur as Secretary of SA 2019-2024, read the Executive Summary of the End of Office Memorandum of SA for the 2019-2024 period. He explained about the SA of IPB University based on Regulation No 66 of 2013 concerning the Statute of Bogor Agricultural University. “The Academic Senate of IPB University is an organ that compiles, formulates and determines policies, gives consideration and conducts supervision in the academic field,” he explained.

“Regarding the determination of commissions, the SA is formed into four commissions, namely Commission A engaged in Academic and Science and Technology Development, Commission B engaged in Governance, Budget and Institute Development, Commission C engaged in Lecturer Career and Awards, while Commission D engaged in Norms and Ethics,” said this Faculty of Agriculture Lecturer.

Prof Arif Satria, Rector of IPB University responded to Prof Syukur’s explanation. According to him, SA is a leap that is often considered far from perfect. “If compared with other universities, what we have done so far has been very good,” he said.
“My thanks to Prof Ronny and Prof Syukur who have synergised and collaborated in building IPB University. I hope in the future SA will be more developed, responsive to change and also have the same spirit,” he concluded. (Lp) (IAAS/RUM)