Interested in Studying at IPB University’s Aquatic Products Technology Study Programme? Here’s What Two of Its Best Graduates Say

Interested in Studying at IPB University’s Aquatic Products Technology Study Programme? Here’s What Two of Its Best Graduates Say

Tertarik Kuliah di Prodi Teknologi Hasil Perairan IPB University? Ini Kata Dua Lulusan Terbaiknya

Graduating with various job prospects with a short waiting period is certainly a hope for every student. By choosing IPB University’s Aquatic Products Technology (THP) Study Programme, this hope can be realised.

This study programme, which is located at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK), is the first fishery product technology department in Indonesia. This fact makes IPB University’s Aquatic Products Technology Study Programme a trendsetter in education, research and application of science and technology (science and technology) in the field of tropical aquatic products technology.

Rifkah Hasna Atzilla, the best graduate of FPIK from Bogor Chemical Analyst High School, is an example. When she graduated in November 2023, she was already working as a quality control (QC) in the pharmaceutical industry at PT Prosweal Indomax.

The reason Rifkah chose IPB University’s Aquatic Products Technology study programme was because of her interest in the potential of fisheries in Indonesia. In this study programme, she was given competence in both theory which was applied directly through various practices in the field.

“During my studies, I learnt the processing of fishery products from upstream to downstream. In addition to the broad scope of knowledge, I had the opportunity to take part in an internship programme in the fisheries industry, so not only did I get the theory, but also mastered the practice in the field,” said Rifkah.

IPB University’s Aquatic Products Technology Study Programme is a pioneer in providing the latest appropriate technology learning in processing various kinds of aquatic products to become superior products that can be commercialised, both food and non-food.

The quality education offered by this study programme has also been proven with the title ‘Superior’ from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and internationally accredited by AUN-QA (2016-2021), as well as accreditation from The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN).

Rasha Rukma Anggi Nikita, who is also the best graduate of FPIK from SMA Budi Mulia Bogor, also chose IPB University’s Aquatic Products Technology Study Programme because she aspires to create superior products from the potential of Indonesia’s natural resources in a sustainable manner.

“This study programme studies materials from aquatic products that have not been explored deeply so that they have great potential to be optimised as superior products,” she explained.

She has no regrets about her choice because in addition to being equipped with a myriad of skills, she also had the opportunity to exchange students to the University of the Ryukyus in Japan.

“Students are given as wide an opportunity as possible to develop their potential, both through student exchange abroad and entrepreneurship,” she added.

For information, the Aquatic Products Technology Study Programme is one of the most innovative study programmes at IPB University. Not surprisingly, its lecturers and students are also innovative and outstanding. This also has an impact on the proud careers of its graduates.

Take Bayu Mukti Anggara, CEO and Founder of FishLog, a fisheries startup. There is also Widya Rustanto who now serves as Director of Quality Management Processing, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)