IPB University Veterinary Professional Students Equipped with Knowledge of Doctor Practices and World of Work Conditions

IPB University Veterinary Professional Students Equipped with Knowledge of Doctor Practices and World of Work Conditions

Mahasiswa Profesi Dokter Hewan IPB University Dibekali Pengetahuan tentang Praktik Dokter dan Kondisi Dunia Kerja

School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University held a Studium Generale and Character Building activities for Students of Veterinary Professional Education Program (PPDH) on 15-20/1. Studium Generale is a mandatory activity for all PPDH students in first to third semester while Character Building is required for first semester students.

This activity equips students with knowledge about the application of veterinary science in various fields in the world of work delivered by speakers who are competent in their fields. In addition, PPDH students also get an explanation of educational activities for the next semester.

Some of the speakers at the event were drh Siti Zainab, drh Mukhlas, drh Syafrizon Idris, drh Wisnu Wasesa Putra, drh. Fitri Nursanti Purnomo, and Drh Farida Camallia Zaenal from the Food and Agriculture and Organization (FAO) Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Disease (ECTAD).

Drh Wisnu explained the material related to the role of quarantine veterinarians in preventing the entry and exit of animal diseases. “Prevention is by examining the correctness of the required documents and physical suitability with the carrier media being crossed, such as animals, animal products, or other carrier media,” he explained.

He continued, doctors need to examine clinical symptoms in animals, isolate and observe animals to ensure they are free from clinical symptoms of infectious animal diseases, conduct sampling and laboratory examinations for further quarantine measures and ensure disease-free animals,” said Drh Wisnu.

In this series of activities, second and third semester PPDH students received material about the world of work in the field of medicine such as exotic animal practitioners, Drh M Piter Kombo, aquatic animal practitioners Drh Yus Anggoro Saputra, from Sea World Ancol, Ocean Dream Samudra, Jakarta Bird Land and an explanation of the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) by Drh Rachmi Setyorini.

In general, in addition to preparing students for the implementation of education in the next semester, this series of activities aims to increase the knowledge of prospective veterinarians about the practice and conditions of the world of work in fields related to the role of the veterinary profession. (AP/DDC/Lp) (IAAS/NAU)