SKHB IPB University Receives Visit from Nusa Cendana University Delegation

SKHB IPB University Receives Visit from Nusa Cendana University Delegation

SKHB IPB University Terima Kunjungan Delegasi Universitas Nusa Cendana

School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University received a visit from the delegation of Nusa Cendana University (UNDANA), East Nusa Tenggara, (30/1). Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development (SKP), SKHB IPB University Dr drh Andriyanto, welcomed the guests consisting of Vice Rector I Prof Annytha Ina Rohi Detha, Secretary WR I Bernadian Ngefak, Amd, and Lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine drh Diana A. Wuri, MSi. The visit to SKHB IPB University is a benchmarking activity for Animal Housing and Laboratory Animal Management at Nusa Cendana University.

Dr Andriyanto welcomed and explained the facilities in the SKHB IPB University environment. He further emphasized that in addition to facilities, other important factors are funding and human resources (HR). According to him, the HR factor is an important factor behind successful management, because HR is responsible for coordinating between lines so that there is no miscommunication.

On the same occasion, Vice Rector I of Nusa Cendana University, Annytha expressed his appreciation for the welcome given by SKHB IPB University. He hopes that Nusa Cendana University can continue to strengthen cooperation with SKHB IPB University.

During this visit, the Nusa Cendana University delegation was invited to see various facilities including the Teaching Animal Hospital (RSHP), Poultry Health Research Farm (PHRF), and Laboratory Animal Management Unit. The guests were also invited to visit the Reproductive Rehabilitation Unit and Equestrian Park. Both parties hope that there will be follow-up cooperation, both in the fields of education, research, and community service.

Several lecturers and education staff were present and involved in the activity, including Dr drh Amaq Fadholly, drh Diah Nugrahani Pristihadi, MSi, Vera Nora Indra Astuti, MM and other SKHB IPB University staff. (AP) (IAAS/ASD)