IPB Students Participate in an Inspiration Talkshow, Presenting LPDP Scholarship Recipients at the World’s Top Campus

IPB Students Participate in an Inspiration Talkshow, Presenting LPDP Scholarship Recipients at the World’s Top Campus

Mahasiswa IPB Mengikuti Talkshow Inspirasi, Hadirkan Penerima Beasiswa LPDP di Kampus Top Dunia
Student Insight EN

A number of IPB University students who are members of the Pondok Inspirasi self-development community attended the Inspiration Talkshow with LPDP scholarship recipients some time ago. The event held at the Soka Innovation Laboratorium aims to provide motivation to the participants, especially those who want to continue their education abroad through scholarships.

Muhammad Rizki Nugraha Darma Nagara, also known as Deris Nagara, is a youth from Ciamis who received an LPDP scholarship at Columbia University. Meanwhile, Khansa Khalisa is an LPDP scholarship recipient who graduated from the Master of Education Policy and Analysis program at Harvard University.

At the event, Deris Nagara told a lot about his struggle to get an education abroad. He also managed to prove that regional youth can also excel in foreign countries. The highlight was when he was named president of BEM at Columbia University. Previously, he had also won other awards, including being the best delegate at the 2020 ASEAN-Korea Summit, being a representative of Indonesia on the jury at the IMF (International Monetary Fund) session, and many other awards in debate competitions.

“To get to this point, of course, there are many processes that have been passed; I have to go through them from zero, full of tears,” said Deris, the 27-year-old.

Deris also shared that he used to be a victim of bullying. He has had to live away from his family since 2013 to study. Until now, Deris has traveled to at least four countries besides Indonesia. All of this is due to the support of his family, especially his parents.

He also said that he had always been interested in education and wanted to contribute to advancing education in Indonesia. “In the past, I often taught children in saung-saung; I approached them first by providing snacks, inviting them to play, and then fostering their enthusiasm for learning,” said Deris, who successfully founded the Danaya (Darma Nagara Mandaya) community.

Not much different, Khansa Khalisa is also an activist in the world of education. She has the same goal of advancing education in Indonesia, especially for women. For her, her current achievements are thanks to the great people who support her, especially the women around her, especially her mother. She wants to advance Indonesian women and break the wrong stigma related to women and education through the community she built, Empower Indonesia.

At this event, Khansa also invited the younger generation of Indonesia to participate in advancing education in Indonesia, starting with small contributions but with real impact.

“It’s not how big, but how sincere the impact we give to the people around us,” Khansa said during the talk show session.

“This event has increased my enthusiasm to continue pursuing education, I hope one day I can be like Kak Deris and Kak Khansa, and be an inspiration to many people,” said Dwi Setya Ningrum, a student of IPB University, as a participant in this event. (IAAS/Aly)