Stay Healthy and Fit Despite Aging, Retired IPB University Personnel Regularly Undergo Ling Tien Kung Therapy

Stay Healthy and Fit Despite Aging, Retired IPB University Personnel Regularly Undergo Ling Tien Kung Therapy

Tetap Sehat dan Bugar Meski Tak Lagi Muda, Pensiunan IPB University Rutin Terapi Ling Tien KungTetap Sehat dan Bugar Meski Tak Lagi Muda, Pensiunan IPB University Rutin Terapi Ling Tien Kung

If Google searches for “Ling Tien Kung”, there will be 1,160,000 links about this keyword (15 January 2024). Ling Tien Kung is a therapy that is believed to cure various diseases by doing so regularly.

Ling Tien Kung is not a sport, but a therapy that trains the body to perform movements that make rechargeable power supplies or life energy. The move is simple but effective and can be done by people of various ages.

Awiek Wijaya, the inventor of Ling Tien Kung believes that humans have the energy of life that is the power supply for their organs.

“If the organs have enough energy, the tension is good, then the organs will function well, and the person’s body becomes healthy,” he explained.

For this reason, the IPB University Employees Pension Society (P3IPB) conducts Ling Tien Kung therapy every Saturday in every two weeks. The activity is located in the courtyard of the Baranangsiang IPB Campus, starting at 07.15 WIB. The therapy was guided by Dr. H Iwan Setiawan, an instructor from Sasana Satria Mandiri Bogor.

Tien Guhardja, a senior at P3IPB, said after taking Ling Tien Kung therapy, “My appetite is better, legs don’t feel stiff, and headaches go away.”

“Participants are expected to continue to practice regularly at their homes, for the therapy to be effective,” he added.

Ling Tien Kung therapy in the P3IPB member’s environment was also carried out at the Sindangbarang I IPB Complex, Loji using the courtyard of the Multipurpose Building every Wednesday starting at 7.30 WIB. The participants were from P3IPB members and residents around the complex.

The followers of Ling Tien Kung therapy are increasing. When the joint training was held within the Bogor Raya area last year in the courtyard of the IPB Baranangsiang Campus, 635 participants attended, exceeding the target of 500 participants.

Let’s recharge the body’s power supply through Ling Tien Kung therapy with P3IPB, to stay healthy and fit at any age. (IAAS/NAU)