Prof Bib Paruhum Silalahi Discloses the Use of Mathematical Optimization in Various Aspects of Life

Prof Bib Paruhum Silalahi Discloses the Use of Mathematical Optimization in Various Aspects of Life

Prof Bib Paruhum Silalahi Beberkan Pemanfaatan Optimisasi Matematika dalam Berbagai Aspek Kehidupan

Professor of Mathematics at IPB University: Mathematical Optimization is Widely Utilized in Various Aspects of Life.

Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University Prof Bib Paruhum Silalahi explained that one of the branches of mathematics, namely optimization, is widely used in various aspects of life.

Optimization is a branch of applied mathematics that deals with problem solving to find the minimum or maximum value of an objective function. Along with many studies, optimization is widely used in almost every aspect of life, including science, economics, engineering, management and industry.

“Optimization can be applied in the context of interior point methods. Interior point method is a class of optimization methods that can be used to solve linear optimization, quadratic optimization and nonlinear optimization problems,” said Prof Bib during the Press Conference of Pre Scientific Oration of Professor of IPB University, Thursday (25/1).

He pointed out, in transportation problems, optimization is useful to minimize the shipping costs of distributing commodities or products from a number of sources to a number of destinations. Optimization, he continued, also answers the challenge of the transportation paradox.

“The transportation paradox occurs when the total shipping cost generally rises with an increase in the number of shipments, but in special situations, the addition of goods can actually reduce shipping costs,” explained this Professor of IPB University in the field of Mathematical Optimization.

In the manufacturing industry, optimization can solve the Cutting Stock Problem (CSP). CSP is an optimization problem that involves cutting raw materials into smaller pieces to meet demand with the aim of minimizing waste.

“CSP happens a lot in small industries. We see waste in small industries. (With optimization) materials are cut according to demand so that there is less waste,” said the IPB University lecturer from the Department of Mathematics.

Prof Bib Paruhum further said that optimization in the health sector is used to plan patient care and optimize resource allocation in health facilities.

In computational biology, optimization enables better understanding and analysis of biological data, especially in the context of protein structure modeling and drug selection.

Prof Bib Paruhum concluded that optimization will continue to evolve with the development of science and knowledge. Optimization evolves in terms of theory and practice. Along with the explosion of data, optimization is also increasingly applied in big data analysis to identify patterns, trends and more.

“Optimization will continue to be used to help improve efficiency in inventory management, product distribution and delivery,” concluded the figure who served as Secretary of the Applied Mathematics Master Program at IPB University. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/HLF)