Improving the Quality of Vocational Education, SV IPB University Holds Assessment About Device Upskilling Training

Improving the Quality of Vocational Education, SV IPB University Holds Assessment About Device Upskilling Training

Tingkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Vokasi, SV IPB University Gelar Pelatihan Upskilling Perangkat Asesmen

As a continuous effort in improving in quality, competence and qualifications of Human Resources (SDM) in the field of vocational education, Professional Certification Institute (LSP) from Vocational School (SV) of IPB University held an upskilling training on the Competency Test Material (MUK) by the 2023 version. This activity is designed to prepare some Witness Scheme from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).

This event was held on Thursday, 25/1 in Delta Meeting Room of IPB University’s Vocation School, Bogor. Main focus of this activity is to carry out the preparation of appraisal devices used in Competence Test Material (MUK) 2023 version for 43 schemes existing in the LSP P1 Vocation IPB University. The participants who participated in this activity were Master Assessors of National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) as main source and assessor of the representative of each study programme along with a manager of this study program.

Uding Sastrawan, as the Chairman of Professional Certification Institute (LSP) of SV IPB University, stated, “We invite the Master Assessor from BNSP to provide training in preparing the 2023 version of Competence Test Material (MUK), to strengthen some skills for the assessor and to prepare the witness at the same time,” he said.

“Hopefully this activity can accelerate a function of devices in some needs of student assessment. And we hope that in 2024 all students can take part in the competency certification test assessment activity,” said Uding.

Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and Alumni of SV IPB University, Dr Rina Martini said, “This upskilling activity will be very useful, especially for every member’s assistants from every study program. Hopefully in 2024, MUK has been formed, so that students can take the certification exam,” he said.

“This upskilling activity is a strategic step to ensure that every lecturers have a deep understanding of latest assessment tools and can carry out tasks effectively in the competency certification process, as well as being able to improve quality of teaching and graduates can have certificates that are in accordance with their fields at the IPB University’s Vocational School,” he said.

Dr Rina continued, it can become a Main Performance Index (IKU) as a form of commitment in improving the quality standard of applied undergraduate education at IPB University. “With every preparation of this assessment tool by the 2023 version and the collaboration with BNSP, we are confident that we can provide quality professional certifications for graduates of applied undergraduates from IPB University,” he said. (ARK/ASW/Lp) (IAAS/IAN).