Are you interested in studying at IPB University? Choose the Pioneer Program in Higher Education for Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems in Indonesia

Are you interested in studying at IPB University? Choose the Pioneer Program in Higher Education for Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems in Indonesia

Tertarik Kuliah ke IPB University Yuk Pilih Prodi Pelopor Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Pertanian dan Biosistem di Indonesia Ini

Did you know that the Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems Program at IPB University is a pioneer in higher education in the field of agricultural engineering and biosystems in Indonesia? This program is part of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta) at IPB University.

Throughout its history, the name of the Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems Program has undergone several changes, evolving from Agricultural Mechanization (1964), Agricultural Engineering (1981), Agricultural Engineering (2000), Mechanical Engineering and Biosystems (2010), to finally becoming Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems since 2017.

The Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems Program at IPB University has been accredited as Excellent by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). Additionally, the program has received international accreditation from the Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE).

This program consists of four scientific divisions: bioinformatics engineering, biosystems engineering, renewable energy engineering, and mechanical and automation engineering.

The coursework in the Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems Program at IPB University not only focuses on theory but also emphasizes the development and application of technology in agriculture. It’s no surprise that many innovations at IPB University have originated from this program.

“Even its students often win competitions, including the National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas). The main reason is that we learn theory to be applied for users,” said Angga Firmansyah, ST, an alumnus of the Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems Program at IPB University currently pursuing the S1-S2 Synergy Program (fast track).

According to Angga, a former Outstanding Student of Fateta IPB University in 2021, the content taught in the Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems Program at IPB University is highly relevant in the modern era. Students here learn techniques such as greenhouse cultivation, cultivation tools and machinery, machine learning for agricultural information systems, renewable energy, and much more.

“Not only theory in the classroom, but we are also taught its practical application in the field. Such understanding is necessary to meet the active role of today’s and future young generations, especially in the field of agriculture,” he said.

“For those of you who are interested in learning agricultural technology, IPB University’s Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Programme is the perfect answer,” added the IPB University alumnus who won four bronze medals at the 2020 and 2021 Pimnas events.

Job prospects
There are many job prospects for graduates of IPB University’s Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Study Programme. Graduates of this study programme can work in the food and product processing industry, plantation industry, lecturers or academics, researchers at various research institutions, bureaucrats in ministries / institutions / agencies / local governments or become entrepreneurs. (MHT/Rz)