Thematic Real Work Lecture’s Student from IPB University Realizing Environmental cleanliness Through The Creative Garden in Bojong Rangkas.

Thematic Real Work Lecture’s Student from IPB University Realizing Environmental cleanliness Through The Creative Garden in Bojong Rangkas.

Mahasiswa KKN-T Inovasi IPB University Wujudkan Kebersihan Lingkungan melalui Taman Kreasi di Bojong Rangkas
Student Insight EN

Thematic Real Work Lecture’s Student from IPB University coming back to making a positive impact in inspiring environmental cleanliness. This time, they succeeded in realizing the Creative Park in Public Elementary School (SDN) 05 Bojong Rangkas as a concrete form of concern for the surrounding environment. The inauguration of this Creative Park was held on Tuesday 23/1 in Bojong Rangkas.

Thematic Real Work Lecture’s Student make this program not only to present visual beauty, but also involve SDN 05 Bojong Rangkas’s students in the process of making this Creative Garden. They not only create a clean and beautiful environment there, but they also raise awareness and active participation of children in SDN Bojong Rangkas to maintaining cleanliness.

Nisa, one of Thematic Real Work Lecture’s student from IPB University said that she hopes this Creative Park will be the first step in raising awareness to take care of environmental cleanliness.

“Our goal is not only limited to take care of and to maintain this Creative Park, but also includes the entire environment around SDN 05 Bojong Rangkas. So that it can create a comfortable atmosphere for learning in this school.” she said.

She explains that the inauguration of this Creative Park became an important momentum that marked the success of collaboration between Thematic Real Work Lecture’s students and students from SDN 05 Bojong Rangkas as the first step to create a clean and beautiful environment. The inauguration event was also enlived with various activities, including arts and entrepreneurship activities by IPB University’s students.

“All of these activities aim to give a positive and educational impression to all participants who attended the event. With a real passion to create change for the better, we chose the concept of Creative Park as an educational and as an example of a clean and green environment,” said Nisa.

She also continues that this project was initiated by utilizing some empty space in SDN 05 Bojong Rangkas, by giving a creative touch to the mural and combining various ornamental plants, natural rocks, and decorative elements from plastic bottle waste.

“Plastic bottle waste not only provides aesthetic value to the Creative Park, but also provides a solution to the problem of plastic waste by creative recycling steps,” she said. (IAAS/IAN)