Hundreds of IPB University students participate in the Certified Internship and Independent Study Program

Hundreds of IPB University students participate in the Certified Internship and Independent Study Program

Ratusan Mahasiswa IPB University Ikuti Program Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat
Student Insight EN

Every year, active students of IPB University participate in various Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) programs initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), one of which is the flagship program Certified Internship and Independent Study ( MSIB). In 2024, a total of 775 IPB University students qualified to participate in the MSIB activities.

M Faturrokman, Assistant Director of Character Development, Student Organizations, Sports, and Arts, Directorate of Student Affairs at IPB University, explained that the MSIB activities consist of two components: internship and independent study.

“The internship is an activity where students directly immerse themselves in companies or industries. Meanwhile, independent study is a guidance activity by a consultant from a company or industry to students, conducted through online learning,” he explained.

He further explained that students enrolled in MSIB can choose companies or industries relevant to their study programs. The internship and independent study activities, conducted for one semester, can be converted into Credit Units (SKS) ranging from 10 to 20 SKS.

“Students who have registered for MSIB must go through a selection process by the study program and selection by the company or industry. Students participating in MSIB must be at least in the 5th semester and focus on MSIB activities, allowing them to be exempted from regular campus learning,” Fatur said.

Fatur revealed that many students are interested in participating in MSIB. In 2023, 764 students qualified and participated in internship and independent study activities with 169 industry partners. Meanwhile, in 2024, 2330 students were recommended by their study programs to participate in MSIB.

“There are many positive impacts that students can gain during internships. In addition to receiving a monthly allowance, students can adapt to the work environment. On campus, they only learn theoretical aspects, while with MSIB, students can directly observe real-world occurrences,” he said.

He also explained that students participating in independent study activities can build networks, receive job training, and gain additional knowledge directly from mentors, helping them achieve the learning outcomes of their study programs.

“Many companies care about our students during internships. Some companies even express concern and inquire about the well-being of students if they are absent,” explained Fatur. (Lp) (IAAS/RUM)