Collaboration between TNC IPB University and GNI in Realising Superior Agriculture through Sustainable Agriculture ToT

Collaboration between TNC IPB University and GNI in Realising Superior Agriculture through Sustainable Agriculture ToT

Kolaborasi TNC IPB University dan GNI dalam Mewujudkan Pertanian Unggul Melalui ToT Pertanian Berkelanjutan

Tani Nelayan Center (TNC) IPB University in collaboration with Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI) held a Sustainable Agriculture Training of Trainers (ToT) on 17-18/1 at GOR Bulutangkis, Sukajaya District, Bogor Regency. The event was held to improve understanding of sustainable agriculture principles and soil ecology.

Antok Setyawan, as GNI’s Project Manager, gave an introduction to the series of activities and expressed his gratitude for the enthusiasm of the farmers who attended the event.

“This activity provides a space for participants to learn about sustainable agriculture and provides facilities to check the soil directly and for free,” said Antok.

Ir Wahono and Ir Napiudin, as representatives of TNC IPB University, delivered materials related to the introduction of agricultural ecosystems, the principles of sustainable agriculture, and the relationship between biotic and abiotic elements in agricultural land. The activity was conducted using case studies and involved participants in group discussions.

Ir Napiudin introduced the concept of land observation with soil fertility testing. “The participants actively made preparations to test their soil fertility by utilising the soil samples they had brought,” he said.

Furthermore, Ir Wahono also provided material related to agricultural techniques. “The principles of sustainable agriculture consist of economic benefits, environmental health and social justice,” he said.

He hoped that this Sustainable Agriculture ToT activity could have a positive impact on the development of sustainable agriculture, especially in Bogor Regency.

The activity ended with soil electrical observations, highlighting the importance of organic and biological content in soil for agricultural health. A total of 44 participants were also given the task of bringing soil samples from their respective fields as practicum materials to mark their seriousness in applying the knowledge gained during this event. (*/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)