School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences IPB University Holds Veterinary Oaths

School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences IPB University Holds Veterinary Oaths

Sekolah Kedokteran Hewan dan Biomedis IPB University Menggelar Sumpah Dokter Hewan

School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University held an Open Session of the Senate of SKHB IPB University with a single agenda of Veterinary Oath Taking (PSDH) on 10/01. The activity was held at Graha Widya Wisuda, IPB Dramaga Campus and attended by 91 veterinarians who graduated in the first period of the 2023/2024 Academic Year.

Dean of SKHB IPB University, Dr drh Amrozi said that veterinary graduates can make a real contribution to national development, especially in the veterinary profession.

Furthermore, Amrozi said that in pursuing the veterinary profession, there will be many challenges faced, namely challenges in disease control, food safety, environmental health and other challenges.

“The veterinarians graduating today must believe that talent can be developed, believe that mistakes are an important part of learning and see failure as an opportunity to learn,” said Amrozi.

He said failure is a temporary step back and then moving forward again. “Therefore, I invite the new vets to continue learning and updating their knowledge because science and technology are constantly evolving,” said Amrozi.

A briefing speech was also given by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI), Dr drh Muhammad Munawaroh. He invited the new graduates to immediately join the PDHI organisation which is the home for all veterinarians in Indonesia.

“There are four things that veterinarians are obliged to do after graduation, firstly to provide animal health services to animal owners (whether small animals, large animals, domestic animals or wildlife). Secondly, helping the government in providing animal protein from eggs, meat and milk,” he said.

He continued, third, veterinarians must be able to assist the government in preventing the spread of zoonotic diseases and finally veterinarians must be able to socialise animal welfare to the public.

“I would like to thank SKHB IPB University for delivering students to become veterinarians so as to strengthen the position of veterinarians in Indonesia. Hopefully these new veterinarians can pursue a career and be successful in the future,” he concluded. (AP/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)