SV IPB University Lecturers Give SIKD Training as a Growth Pole Stimulus Instrument Cibunian Village Pamijahan

SV IPB University Lecturers Give SIKD Training as a Growth Pole Stimulus Instrument Cibunian Village Pamijahan

Dosen SV IPB University Beri Pelatihan SIKD sebagai Instrumen Stimulus Growth Pole Desa Cibunian Pamijahan

Through the Kedaireka Matching Fund 2023 program, IPB University Vocational School (SV) lecturers provided training on Village Openness Information System (SIKD) for Cibunian Village officials, Pamijahan, Bogor.

The leader of the lecturer team, Uding Sastrawan, SP, MSi stated that this training was a deployment of outputs from the Kedaireka program for 7 village partners involved and spread across several districts such as Bogor, Lebak, Sukabumi, Banjarnegara and Pekalongan.

“SIKD is an application of digital technology and in the future it is expected to have a positive impact on people’s lives, especially in the fields of information, economy, social and village culture,” he said during the training at the Cibunian Village Hall, some time ago.

According to him, periodic evaluation and renewal are key to the long-term success of the Kedaireka program. This, he said, is also in line with the concept of sustainable village development.

“The SIKD dashboard will be important at this time, as a door to open information to the public. This system is based on web technology, aiming to establish networks and public service transactions without being limited by time and location barriers, anytime and anywhere,” said Bayu Widodo, ST, MT as a team member.

He explained that the SIKD dashboard will display information covering economic, spatial and institutional aspects. It is also a repository of village data that can be accessed by the community or other stakeholders.

Cibunian Village Secretary, Hafidz Nurdiansyah, SPd, stated that Cibunian Village has a hilly topography with great potential in agriculture, fisheries and creative economy with a population of 13,000. According to him, this condition is important for the village government in utilizing the existing potential for village progress.

“This activity can provide knowledge and understanding related to SIKD. The hope is great for us, this can make it easier to convey information and collect data on all activities in the village,” he said.

With SIKD, he said, he hopes to make it easier for the community to see the developments that have occurred. “Hopefully in the future, economic improvement will increase, agriculture, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) will grow and advance,” he said.

On that occasion, a number of other speakers from IPB University Vocational School were also present, including Ir Bambang Dwi A, Gema Parasti Miranda, SSi, MKom, Dr. Wien Kuntari and Riva Rusifa, SP, MSi. (ARK/ASW/Rz) (IAAS/Ard)