Encouraging the Strengthening of Bureaucratic Reform, IPB University Holds a Plan for the Development of Integrity Zones in Faculty and School Environments

Encouraging the Strengthening of Bureaucratic Reform, IPB University Holds a Plan for the Development of Integrity Zones in Faculty and School Environments

Dorong Penguatan Reformasi Birokrasi, IPB University Gelar Pencanangan Pembangunan Zona Integritas di Lingkungan Fakultas dan Sekolah

IPB University held activities to launch the development of integrity zones in faculty and school environments. This activity was carried out at the Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus, (28/12).

Vice Rector of IPB University for Resource and Infrastructure Resilience, Dr Alim Setiawan Slamet said, IPB University is ready to carry out instructions from the government as a form of commitment to an anti-corruption culture and excellent management. He stated that efforts to improve the quality of public services at IPB University have been the main focus for the last five years. This is proven and supported by massive digital transformation.

“Our integrated services have won various awards at national level. “The formation of an Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) for public transparency to improve reputation at the national and international levels is an achievement that we have achieved,” he said. Dr Alim continued, in strengthening bureaucratic reform, IPB University continues to strive to obtain feedback through satisfaction surveys, service index measurements and overall evaluation.

As a concrete step, he said, every faculty and school has signed an Integrity Pact, with the hope that they can start implementing the construction of this integrity zone next year. “All these efforts are directed so that faculties and schools at IPB University achieve the status of a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) in accordance with bureaucratic reform,” he said in front of the faculty/school deans and other participants present.

The Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, revealed that IPB University is firmly committed to maintaining three main keywords, namely integrity, innovation and inspiration as a strong foundation. “Our continued commitment to maintaining integrity is the key to winning public trust both at the national and global levels,” he said.

Prof Arif continued, on campus internally, integrity can create a transparent and accountable transformation process. The tagline ‘Inspiring Innovation with Integrity’, he said, will continue to be strengthened to convince the public. “Moving towards 2024, we are committed to presenting a new face and spirit through the best service,” he said.

Prof Nizam, Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Dirjen Dikti), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) RI who had the opportunity to give a speech emphasised that in creating a clean integrity zone and full of services, no It’s enough just to be a slogan, but also to be a strong foundation in every aspect of action. “With strong intentions and real actions, I hope that increasing integrity can become a role model and example for all parties involved,” he said.

The event continued with a talk show on bureaucratic reform and building an integrity zone within IPB University. The resource persons present were Ali Akbar SE, MBA (Secretary of Bureaucratic Reform and Integrity Zone, Ministry of Education and Culture) and Dr Asih Setiarini (Vice of the Integrity Zone Team, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia). (dr/Rz) (IAAS/Res)