IPB University Students Organize Marine Night 2023 as an Event to Express Unlimited Creativity
Students of the Department of Marine Science and Technology (ITK), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University successfully organized the Marine Night 2023 Vol.2 with the theme “Spectacle Wonderland: Working with Sound”. The event was held in Mandiri Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor on 20/12.
This activity invites the audience to enter a magical world with a touch of Balinese culture that targets a sense of love and togetherness, tucking deep messages about self-identity, equality, family, creativity and liberation from social expectations.
Prof Fredinan Yulianda as the Dean of FPIK IPB University positively welcomed this event as a place to work in the field of arts. He emphasized the importance of friendship between active students and alumni.
“At the moment of the implementation of this marine night, we see that cohesiveness is the core of everything we do. In the moment of marine inauguration, we emphasize that this spirit supports the development of our competencies, preparing ourselves to make a meaningful contribution out there, amidst the harsh challenges that may be faced,” Prof Fredinan said.
Muhammad Rafi Akbar as the chief executive of the Marine Night 2023 said this annual activity was a showcase for artistic talent, as well as an opening gate for the meeting of the entire community and the introduction of new students to the big family of the Marine Science and Technology Student Association (Himiteka).
“Hopefully this activity can be a place where fun things happen and the talent displayed can attract attention so that it can create moments that trigger feelings of admiration,” said Rafi.
Rafi revealed that more than 200 people attended the Marine Night 2023 Vol.2. The talent performances varied from bands, dances, vocals, dramas, to choirs presented in this event. (RAF/RAT/Lp)