IPB University Disseminates Agro Maritime 4.0 Concept to the International Community

IPB University Disseminates Agro Maritime 4.0 Concept to the International Community

IPB University Diseminasikan Konsep Agromaritim 4.0 kepada Masyarakat Internasional

The Directorate of Strategic Studies and Academic Reputation (DKSRA) IPB University held an international conference entitled Frontier in Sustainable Agro Maritime and Environmental Development (FiSAED) online (14-15/12). The aim is to disseminate the Agromaritime 4.0 IPB University concept to the international community.

The conference with the theme ‘Frontier Agro Maritime Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ involved 161 papers written by professionals, academics, researchers and policy makers from four continents: Asia, Africa, America and Europe.

“IPB University has long been committed to encouraging sustainable practices in all aspects of life to ensure the success of the 2030 SDGs agenda,” said Prof Arif Satria, Rector of IPB University in his opening remarks.

He continued, IPB University will continue to encourage transdisciplinary collaboration and research initiatives. This step aims to develop innovative solutions to complex problems surrounding environmental degradation, climate change and food security.

Regarding FiSAED 2023, Prof. Arif said, this conference is a real form of effort to create innovation that is able to overcome the challenges that arise in the current era.

“It is hoped that this activity can become a forum for bringing together experts, researchers, policy makers and stakeholders from various countries to discuss and collaborate on the topics presented,” he explained.

At the conference, there were four sub-themes consisting of science and technology for sustainable agro maritime, socio-economic transformation for sustainable agro maritime, sustainable natural resources and environmental management, and environmental health and ecosystems.

Also present at the Plenary Session were Prof. Ernan Rustiadi (IPB University) and Prof. Eiji Nawata (Kyoto University) as keynote speakers. In the parallel session, there were 10 invited speakers from various countries. The manuscripts presented at this conference will then be published by the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science which is indexed by Scopus. (LST/Tia/Rz) (IAAS/AMR)