Ship Model Festival, Exhibition of IPB University Student Work Results from Fishing Ship MK Learning

Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University is holding the 2023 Ship Model Festival (FMK). This activity is the culmination of the learning achievements of IPB University students in the Fisheries Ship Course (MK).
FMK 2023 presented 13 ship models made by 13 student working groups. Apart from being designed as fishing vessels, several ship models were designed as ships that function as health ships, passenger ships and defense ships.
“The learning method applied in the Fishing Ship MK is also designed so that students have the ability to operate several software and mathematical equations in naval architecture,” said Dr Yopi Novita as the person in charge of the course.
Apart from that, she said, students are also trained to have a disciplined attitude, high literacy skills and to communicate and collaborate effectively.
Prof Eko Sri Wiyono, Chair of the PSP Department of IPB University, on this occasion said that the implementation of FMK 2023 is expected to raise enthusiasm for learning and train students’ ability to innovate.
FMK 2023 was attended by lecturers and students from the PSP Department and from outside the study program. At the end of the festival, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners were selected for ship model designs as well as favorite winners chosen by the general public via Instagram and festival visitors. Apart from that, the assistant’s favorite champion was also selected.
The determination of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for ship model designs was carried out by three judges consisting of Dr Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar, Prof Mohammad Imron and Tri Nanda Citra Bangun SPi MSi. The determination of the winner is based on the jury’s assessment of the neatness of the ship model, suitability of the ship model design to the function of the ship, creativity and stability of the ship model.
The winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in FMK 2023, respectively, are the KM Madidihang Team, Daksa Yraespati Team and Albacore Hunter Team. The visitors’ favorite champion is the HMS Soverign Team and the assistant’s choice is the Predator’s Team.
“The results of students’ work at FMK 2023 can increase their self-confidence. This is also a form of appreciation for students’ efforts apart from the grades that will be given at the end of the semester,” said one of the festival visitors. (*/Rz)