Students of the IPB University Vocational School Initiate Eco Compost Outreach in Katulampa Village

Students of the IPB University Vocational School Initiate Eco Compost Outreach in Katulampa Village

Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Inisiasi Penyuluhan Eco Kompos di Kelurahan Katulampa
Student Insight EN

Students from the Digital Communication and Media Study Program at the IPB University Vocational School organized an outreach program titled “Eco Komfest Katulampa: Fostering Environmental Independence Through Eco Compost Practices.” The outreach took place in Katulampa Village.

The chair organizer, Marwa Disti, stated that the purpose of this activity is to reduce waste in the environment of Katulampa Village. She added that through good understanding and education for the community, awareness of waste management, especially through the eco compost method, would be enhanced.

“Through this outreach, we strongly emphasize the importance of waste sorting and the use of eco compost as an environmentally friendly solution in managing organic waste,” said Marwa.

As a speaker, Andini Tribuana Tunggadewi, SE, MSi, a lecturer in the Environmental Engineering and Management Study Program, explained, “There are several stages in making eco compost, including cutting organic waste into pieces, putting it into a bucket, and adding EM4 that has been dissolved in water to the organic waste.”

Furthermore, the delivery of material and hands-on practice aims to provide a better understanding of eco compost practices for daily waste management, increase awareness of the negative impact of waste on the environment, reduce the amount of organic waste entering landfills, and minimize negative impacts on the environment.

Andini hopes that the community becomes more aware of the importance of environmentally friendly waste management and gains deeper knowledge of the application of eco compost in daily waste management.

“This activity is expected to raise awareness of the negative consequences of waste on the ecosystem and reduce the amount of organic waste disposed of in landfills,” concluded Andini.

Throughout the outreach, the community showed enthusiasm and spirit in participating in the event, from the delivery of material by the speakers to the direct practice of composting. (DTZ/ASW/Lp) (IAAS/Hap)