Fahutan IPB University Students Successfully Hold Forestry Extension Activities at SMAN 1 Ciomas

Fahutan IPB University Students Successfully Hold Forestry Extension Activities at SMAN 1 Ciomas

Mahasiswa Fahutan IPB University Sukses Gelar Kegiatan Penyuluhan Kehutanan di SMAN 1 Ciomas
Student Insight EN

The students of Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) IPB University successfully conducted forestry counseling activities at SMA Negeri 1 Ciomas, Bogor. This forestry extension activity carries the theme ‘Forest Management Department Goes to SMAN 1 Ciomas’.

The series of events began with the opening by M Rizqi Maulana as the team leader. Followed by Ratna and Trias as presenters. This activity also involved the management of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) and the Class Representative Assembly (MPK) of SMA Negeri 1 Ciomas.

Ratna, one of the team members, a student of Fahutan IPB University said, the organization of this activity aims to provide and improve the insight of high school students about IPB University, especially the Faculty of Forestry and Environment.

“We discussed various topics, starting from the introduction of IPB University in general, then the introduction of Fahutan which includes an explanation of each department, entry points to job prospects that are very promising for the future,” she said.

In addition, IPB University students also explained the importance of forestry and environmental conservation. “We also motivate students to continue their education up to university level,” Ratna said.

According to her, this activity succeeded in creating a positive dialog space. “This activity went smoothly and lively because the students of SMAN 1 Ciomas were so enthusiastic that they competed to participate in the question and answer session and quiz to get prizes,” Ratna said, describing the enthusiasm of the participants.

She hopes that this event can motivate the students of SMAN 1 Ciomas to continue their education, and inspire them to become individuals who care about the environment. (*/Rz) (IAAS/MKY)