Strengthening Work Spirit, IPB University Holds Capacity Building for Chief of Sections and Chief of Sub Sections of Faculties and Schools
With the support of the Vice Rector for Resource and Infrastructure Resilience and the Directorate of Human Resources (HR) of IPB University, the Education Personnel (Tendik) participated in capacity building activities, outbound and tours, especially for the Chief of Section (Kabag) and Chief of Sub Section (Kasubbag) in Faculties and Schools within IPB University.
This activity became a momentum for strengthening the spirit of work, mutual learning, collaboration and the ability to face the resilience of educators, especially the Chief of section and Chief of subdivision of Faculties and Schools at IPB University. Capacity Building was attended by 59 participants held on 15-17/12 in Yogyakarta.
The outbound and tour activities had the theme “Fresh, Fun and Moving Forward”. This activity was carried out in an effort to increase togetherness and recharge the spirit in facing the upcoming challenges in 2024.
The ability to deal with resilience is reflected in several things, as stated by Dr Alim Setiawan Slamet, Vice Rector for Resources and Infrastructure Resilience.
“Resilience needs to be faced with several things, first, adaptability or adapting to environmental changes and overcoming challenges quickly. Second, unity or close relationships between members of a group or system, which can increase the ability to work together in the face of pressure,” he said.
Prof Alim continued, the third is efficiency, which is using resources efficiently, including time, energy and material, in the face of disruption or disaster. The fourth is diversity or diversity in resources, skills, or strategies that can improve adaptability and response to various challenges.
“Insya Allah, all that the participants get from this activity will be a trigger for enthusiasm in participating in making IPB an empowered campus,” he said.
On the first day, participants participated in fun games while improving and testing concentration, cohesiveness, and cooperation. Meanwhile, on the second day participants were provided with an adventure that tested their courage, endurance and empathy while enjoying the atmosphere in the city of Yogyakarta. (bs/rzf/Lp) (IAAS/ANF)