IPB University Holds Seminar on the Results of Kedaireka Matching Fund Program Year 2023

IPB University Holds Seminar on the Results of Kedaireka Matching Fund Program Year 2023

IPB University Gelar Seminar Hasil Program Matching Fund Kedaireka Tahun 2023

IPB University through the Science and Technology Area Institute (LKST) held a Seminar on the Results of the Kedaireka Matching Fund Program Year 2023. This activity was held at the IPB International Convention Center, Bogor (12/12).

In her speech, the Chairman of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika Budiarti Laconi said, in the Matching Fund program in 2023, there were 55 proposals that managed to get funding support of 72.8 billion. This seminar is a forum with excellent speakers and valuable material and a journey to find yourself and explore potential.

“In this event, we will together explore various aspects, from innovative business strategies to inspiring research results,” she said.

Prof Erika hopes the seminar will be a platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, as well as an initial trigger for positive changes in career and business.

“I really hope that participants can take every moment and opportunity in this seminar with new enthusiasm, brilliant ideas, and expand a wider network of collaboration,” she said.

Present online was the Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Dirjen Dikti), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Prof Nizam. On that occasion, he revealed that cross-sector support is needed in order to synergize in building advanced innovation.

“The success of this innovation is manifested in extraordinary achievements, where innovation has been successfully integrated into the industry. Innovations originating from the IPB University campus have also been able to expand the market to reach the realm of product exports,” he said.

Acting Rector of IPB University, Prof drh Deni Noviana also said that the Kedaireka Matching Fund program had made a very valuable contribution in producing technological innovations from IPB University inventions.

He said that IPB University continues to encourage cooperation between researchers and industry players to increase entrepreneurship and produce innovations.

“I hope the benefits of innovations produced by IPB University continue to grow, with an increase in the quality of innovation development to ensure that this program provides appropriate results and outputs,” he said.

Acting Secretary of the Director General of Higher Education, Prof Tjitjik Sri Bandanadjaya added, that the Kedaireka Matching Fund program not only provides tangible benefits through significant results but also impacts that cover the intellectual and economic realms.

“In the future, innovations that have been utilized should not only stop there but continue to be explored to create breakthroughs. This can create creativity from academics to be seeded, reach the community implementation stage, and ultimately improve the welfare of society as a whole,” he said. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)