Biopener, a startup incubated by the IPB University LKST, receives an award at Korea-Indonesia Startup Day

Biopener, a startup incubated by the IPB University LKST, receives an award at Korea-Indonesia Startup Day

Biopener, Startup Binaan LKST IPB University Raih Award di Korea-Indonesia Startup Day

Biopener, a startup incubated by the Business Incubator of the IPB University Science and Technology Zone Agency (LKST), has achieved a remarkable feat. With its bio-pellet product, Biopener received an award at the Korea-Indonesia Startup Day Boosting Future Leaders of Indonesia event held at the Grand Sheraton Hotel, Jakarta (12/12).

This event is a collaboration between the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM), the Korea Trade-Investment and Promotion Agency (KOTRA) Jakarta, and Korea Midland Power Co Ltd (KOMIPO) Energy Indonesia.

“Together with KOTRA and KOMIPO, we conducted selection stages, starting from the administrative profile business selection, and substantive selection through pitch deck presentations and interviews with reviewers from KOTRA and KOMIPO since early November 2023,” said Vice Assistant for Information Technology Development and Business Incubation of Kemenkop UKM, Christina Agustin, APi, MM.

Deva Primadia Almada, SPi, MSi, Assistant of the LKST IPB University Business Incubator, was present to accompany Biopener at the event. Deva stated that Biopener is a business incubation program startup at LKST IPB University in 2022.

“Biopener is an LKST IPB University incubated startup that meets the criteria of renewable energy. Therefore, we proposed, monitored, and supported at every selection stage for this program. Thank you to Kemenkop UKM, KOTRA, and KOMIPO; hopefully, this award can encourage Biopener to scale up and level up,” said Deva.

Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Teten Masduki, in his remarks, conveyed that out of Indonesia’s population of 270 million, it is dominated by Generation Z (27.9%) and millennials (25.8%). “This demographic bonus is one of the determinants of the nation’s economy, namely through the development of innovative startups,” Teten continued.

Meanwhile, Mr Lee Jang Hee, Director of KOTRA Jakarta, stated that they have collaborated with many startups in Indonesia, from Java, Sulawesi, Kalimantan to Aceh. He mentioned that KOTRA’s mission is to help develop innovative startups in Indonesia, especially in the field of renewable energy.

“Once again, congratulations to the five award-winning startups. If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, you must go together,” added Lee.

The chairperson of the LKST IPB University, Prof Erika Budiarti Laconi, added that the vision and mission of LKST IPB University align with Kemenkop UKM and KOTRA. “Through the business incubation program, we support startups to grow into resilient, sustainable, and globally competitive innovative startups,” said Erika.

The five award recipients are Biopener (LKST IPB University Business Incubator), E-has (Semarang State University Incubator), Roomansa (Gadjah Mada University Business Incubator), Dif.Marketer (Hindu Indonesia University Business Incubator), and Henbuk (STIKOM Business Incubator). (stpipb/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)