IPB University Innovation Servicing Lecturers Present Dago Mountain Tourism Website

IPB University Innovation Servicing Lecturers Present Dago Mountain Tourism Website

Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi IPB University Persembahkan Website Wisata Gunung Dago

Community service contributions can be made in various ways. One of them is done by the Innovation Servicing Lecturer team from the IPB University Vocational School by designing a website for Dago Mountain Tourism. The website can be accessed at wisatagunungdago.com

Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi or Innovation Servicing Lecturers is a program of the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development of IPB University. The Vocational School lecturers’ team consists of Dr Rini Untari, Muh Faturokhman, and Aep Setiawan.

The chief of the Innovation Servicing Lecturers’ team, Dr Rini Untari, conveyed that the tourism website was designed as an effort to answer the needs of the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) Cendana as the manager of Mount Dago Wana Wisata.

“This website is here to facilitate tourists or prospective tourists in accessing information about destinations without space and time limits,” said Dr Rini during the website launching event at Bale 3 Wana Wisata Gunung Dago Room, recently.

This IPB University Vocational School lecturer from the Ecotourism Study Program added that the website display was made attractive, informative, and interactive. There are service features to make ticket reservations and other services provided by the manager.

“This website can be accessed using all devices without having to download it,” he added.

Meanwhile, a member of the Innovation Servicing Lecturers team, Aep Setiawan conveyed several features contained in the tourism website. He also revealed the need for regular updating of information on the website.

“Those who accesses the website can find out about Wana Wisata Gunung Dago, tourist attractions, accommodation services, facilities, suggestions and connect to the website administrator for ticket purchases and lodging reservations,” explained the IPB University Vocational School lecturer from the Computer Engineering Technology Study Program.

Not only launching of the tourism website, but other speakers were presented to deliver material on garden landscapes, plants, and the benefits of park therapy as well as case studies related to garden arrangement. The material presented by Dr Prita Indah Pratiwi was an effort to increase the aesthetic value and arrangement of parks in Wana Wisata Gunung Dago.

In addition, this IPB University lecturer at the Department of Landscape Architecture presented an overview of the types of aesthetic plants for parks ranging from trees, shrubs, and ground covers. She also explained the benefits of parks as therapy for health, especially psychological aspects, and also benefits the body’s organs to relax.

“Some studies show park therapy is beneficial for health, especially in reducing stress and in increasing relaxation in the body,” said the woman from Bandung.

Representative of the Cendana LMDH management, Jaenudin, positively welcomed the tourism website designed by the IPB University Innovation Servicing Lecturers’ team. He hopes that the presence of the website can be a source of information and make it easier for tourists to get to know the destination including how to make the reservations.

“The material about the park landscape may be an inspiration for us in reorganizing the park in the destination,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/SHY)