Postgraduate Student from IPB University Contributes Ideas at International Conference ICONZ 2023

Postgraduate Student from IPB University Contributes Ideas at International Conference ICONZ 2023

Mahasiswa Pascasarjana IPB University Sumbang Pemikiran di Konferensi Internasional ICONZ 2023
Student Insight EN

A postgraduate student from the Management Science Program (PSIM) at IPB University, Muhamad Rafi Anggara, was one of the participants and also served as a presenter, who participated in enliving the activities at the 7th Indonesian Conference of Zakat (ICONZ).

The event was organized by the National Zakat Agency (Baznas). This event took place at Muhammadiyah University Jakarta (UMJ) with the theme ‘Building Bridges to Economic Prosperity: Zakat’s Role in Driving Inclusive and Sustainable Transformation.’

The event was ttended by various participants from both domestic and international backgrounds, including zakat practitioners, academics, students, government officials, and national figures, Rafi Anggara had the opportunity to present the findings of his research titled ‘Optimization of Agricultural Zakat: Study on Implementation of Zakat Core Principles in BAZNAS Majalengka Regency.’

Rafi, who is also a recipient of the Indonesian Educational Scholarship (BPI), focused on researching the potential of agricultural zakat in Majalengka Regency. In his presentation, he highlighted the main issues related to the suboptimal implementation of agricultural zakat in Majalengka.

“The main problem arises from a lack of literacy, especially in Majalengka, which is largely a rural community. The main solution can be achieved through massive education or socialization efforts by the government, especially Baznas Majalengka,” he explained.

“We conducted this research as our contribution to Majalengka, our hometown, which has high potential for agricultural zakat but has not been optimized,” he added.

Rafi mentioned that his participation in this event demonstrates the active role of IPB University students in contributing ideas and thoughts to advance the role of zakat in inclusive and sustainable economic transformation.

He emphasized that this conference serves as an important platform for sharing knowledge and experiences, building networks, and designing concrete solutions to enhance the effectiveness of zakat in economic development. (*/ Rz) (IAAS/DSR)