IPB University Receives LAMSAMA Field Assessment Team on the Accreditation of the Chemistry Study Program

IPB University Receives LAMSAMA Field Assessment Team on the Accreditation of the Chemistry Study Program

IPB University Terima Tim Asesmen Lapang LAMSAMA pada Akreditasi Program Studi KImia

Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB University received the LAMSAMA field assessment team, on 7/12 at the Rector’s Conference Room, IPB Dramaga Campus. LAMSAMA is the Natural Science and Formal Science Self-Accreditation Institute.

The accreditation criteria used by LAMSAMA have international standards. LAMSAMA is ready to cooperate with accreditation institutions in the field of science and formal science throughout the world. Graduates of study programs accredited by LAMSAMA must have two main skills that have been thoroughly assessed, namely mastery of the field of science (subject specific skills) and professionalism (transferable skills).

At the opening of the field assessment, assessors from Sebelas Maret University, Prof Edy Heraldy and Gadjah Mada University, Prof Nuryono, were present.

Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of IPB University, Prof Deni Noviana in his speech hoped that the assessment of the Chemistry Study Program could be assisted to be assessed as well as possible.

“Behalf of the leadership we are also ready to always be committed to quality assurance and the quality of all study programs at IPB University. If there are things that need to be followed up either at the study program or faculty level, they will be supported as well as possible, hopefully this assessment process will run smoothly, “said Prof Deni.

One of the assessors, Prof Eddy Heraldy, said, “As requested, we were assigned to assess the Chemistry Study Program. We have reviewed the documents and there are several things that need to be improved together,” said Prof Eddy.

He continued, what must be considered is a common problem related to tracer studies in the form of guiding study program graduates. In the next two days the assessors will monitor and provide suggestions for improvement.

Meanwhile, Prof Nuryono, said that universities in Indonesia when viewed from the quality are no doubt both from resources and so on.
“When preparing for accreditation, the preparation of this form sometimes still has to be improved and the form must be proven by the reality in the field,” he said.

The Secretary of the Institute, Prof Agus Purwito who was present at the opening of the assessment said, “Advice or input from others will definitely more considered, therefore with this LAMSAMA, hopefully we will get constructive input, especially for the Chemistry Study Program,” he said (Lp) (IAAS/MKY)