IPB University Lecturers Give Training on Harvesting Nutmeg Oil with Cohobation Steam Distillation Technique

IPB University Lecturers Give Training on Harvesting Nutmeg Oil with Cohobation Steam Distillation Technique

Dosen IPB University Beri Pelatihan Memanen Minyak Pala dengan Teknik Distilasi Uap Kohobasi

IPB University lecturers and students from the Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi (DIM) program team provided training on nutmeg oil distillation using the cohobation distillation technique to women members of farmer women’s groups (KWT) in South Nagrak Village, Nagrak District, Sukabumi Regency (2-3/12).

Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi is a program organized by the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) of IPB University.

“We would like to thank and highly appreciate the activities carried out by IPB University lecturers and students,” said Secretary of Nagrak Sub-district, Ening Lasminingsih, SIP, MSi in her opening speech at the Secretariat of KWT Kemuning, South Nagrak Village.

She said the training on the utilization of nutmeg using the cohobation steam distillation technique would certainly add insight into knowledge and support the village community empowerment program, especially South Nagrak Village.

Head of the Tropical Biopharmaca Study Center (Trop-BRC IPB University, Prof Irmanida Batubara said, this training aims to provide nutmeg oil harvesting skills to the participants.

“The training on nutmeg utilization with the cohobation steam distillation technique also teaches the community to optimally utilize nutmeg, namely by processing the waste left over from the nutmeg oil distillation process into products that have benefits and marketability,” she added.

Dr Waras Nurcholis, head of the team of Lecturers for Innovation in Nagrak Subdistrict, added, “This training not only teaches how to distill nutmeg oil through the cohobation steam distillation technique, but also teaches participants how to utilize residual distillation waste such as fruit peels, pulp and nutmeg boiled water.

“The residual distillation waste is said to be processed into processed food products such as candied paladang, ginger syrup and nutmeg peel tea,” he said.

Novian Liwanda, one of the students of IPB University’s Biochemistry Master Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, explained that the series of distillation training activities began with an explanation of cohobation steam distillation techniques and tools. The training was followed by the grinding of nutmeg seeds for distillation by the participants, then the distillation process and finally the collection of the resulting nutmeg oil.

In supporting the sustainability of the service program in South Nagrak Village, the IPB University Innovation Service Lecturer team provided one distillation device which was handed over to KWT Kemuning to be utilized by the local community. (*/Rz) (IAAS/NVA)