BEM KM IPB University and the Muslim Student Community Expressed Their Rejection of Human Violence in Palestine

BEM KM IPB University and the Muslim Student Community Expressed Their Rejection of Human Violence in Palestine

BEM KM IPB University dan Komunitas Mahasiswa Muslim Nyatakan Sikap Tolak Kekerasan Manusia di Palestina
Student Insight EN

IPB University’s Executive Board (BEM KM) took part in the Intellectual Discussion held by the Muslim Academic Forum (FAM). Various Muslim community organizations attended this activity which took place at Dakara Coffee, Bogor (2/12).

The discussion agenda reviews how young people, especially students, should behave in responding to the conditions that have occurred in Palestine recently. Also present was Dr Eko Ruddy Cahyadi as the supervisor of the Muslim Academic Forum as a resource person.

IPB University Student Vice President, M Akyarus Solih, on that occasion said that today’s youth and students need to be aware of the conditions around them and what will happen in the future. According to him, it is no longer the time for young people, especially students, to just sit back and wait, but must continue to think critically.

“Indeed, nowadays there are no young people like the Prophet’s friends who have extraordinary thoughts. “Right now there are no young people like Sutan Sjahrir, the young man who welcomed the independence of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945,” said Akhyar.

On the contrary, he continued, today’s youth or students are actually shackled by busyness and their own interests. “In fact, this freedom of learning or thinking should be inherent in us as intellectual youth. “Students prove it through discussions, with social action, with activities that can have an impact on others,” he said.

Regarding the Palestinian issue, Rafi as a representative of the Muslim Academic Forum stated, “Do what we can according to the capabilities we have.”

“For those who have little fortune, give alms. For those who have relationships, increase your kindness invitations. For those who have positions, provide regulations or policies that have a good impact on everyone. “Move all lines, with one vision, God willing, the Palestinian problem can be resolved,” he added.

Coordinating Minister (Menko) for Community Service BEM KM IPB, Latif Hidayatul Ikhsan also provided suggestions. “Continue the youth discussion space and make it concrete in an activity for the benefit of it. “This is no longer the time to blame each other or be sarcastic,” he suggested.

He added that what young people can do is continue to learn and provide innovative ideas for a better future. “Indonesia has extraordinary young people who we still need to attract to unite to advance the nation and have an impact on other nations,” he said.

Latif is of the view that discussions regarding youth innovation and creativity must continue. This step is important to open up space for opinions and express smart ideas for the benefit of Indonesia and the world. (*/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)