Encouraging Students’ Practical Experience in Marine Studies, IPB ITK Department Invites Students to 6 Coastal Sites

Encouraging Students’ Practical Experience in Marine Studies, IPB ITK Department Invites Students to 6 Coastal Sites

Dorong Pengalaman Praktis Mahasiswa dalam Studi Kelautan, Departemen ITK IPB Ajak Mahasiswa ke 6 Lokasi Pesisir

A number of IPB University students who are interns in the Independent Campus Competition Programme (PKKM) 2023 are preparing to take part in field surveys in six different locations. This activity was initiated by the Department of Marine Science and Technology (ITK), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University.

The activity entitled ‘KM-Mandiri (Independent Study) Junior Met-Ocean Data Analyst Batch-2′ will place participants in various locations, such as Palabuhanratu Perikanan Nusantara Port (PPN), Bungus Ocean Fishing Port (PPS), Tolitoli Regency, Brebes Regency, Lancang Island and Pramuka Island.

As a form of implementation of this activity, the ITK Department of IPB University held a release event for PKKM 2023 interns. Dr Adriani, Head of the ITK Study Program as well as Chair of the ITK PKKM Task Force, stated that this field activity will provide invaluable experience for the participants.

“They will learn firsthand about data collection, met-ocean analysis and the application of science in a real context in various coastal locations,” said Dr Adriani.

Interns will be accompanied by experienced lecturers and practitioners in marine and meteorological studies. They will undergo a series of activities that include direct observation, water sampling, mapping and data analysis.

“This activity is important to broaden participants’ horizons and improve their practical skills in facing real challenges in the marine and meteorological fields,” added Dr Adriani.

Chairman of the Department of ITK IPB University, Dr Syamsul Bahri Agus explained that this independent study activity is intended to improve students’ work skills to be more practical and relevant, in accordance with the needs of the professional world.

“Through this activity, students will get a learning experience that is more contextual and in accordance with their own needs. In addition, this activity also emphasises the direct application of needs in the world of work,” he explained.

In this important momentum, Dr Agus Oman Sudrajat, Vice Dean of FPIK IPB University in the field of Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni, gave a farewell to students to gain as much experience as possible in preparing themselves for the world of work in the future.

He emphasised the importance of being serious in learning the lessons in the field as this will be a valuable provision in the future. “This event is proof of our commitment in producing highly competitive graduates in the marine field. Congratulations on gaining as much experience as possible,” said Dr Agus in his speech. (RAT/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)