IPB University Receives Visit from SEAMO SEARCA Delegation and Higher Education in the Philippines
SEAMO SEARCA is the Southeast Asian regional center for graduate studies and research in agriculture. It consists of faculty members from 18 universities in the Philippines. The first day of the visit was held on Wednesday, 29/11 at the Satari Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine which contained material exposure from several speakers.
The Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, represented by Prof Deni Noviana, Vice-Rector for Education and Student Affairs, said that it was an honor for IPB University to be able to receive the visit of the Philippine delegation, especially since this meeting was a mandate and commitment to continue to develop innovations and strengthen collaboration in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, and natural resources.
“IPB University is committed to expanding its reputation on a global scale by building educational ecosystem programs that can serve the community to increase sustainable resilience,” said Prof Deni.
SEAMO SEARCA delegation representative, Sonny Pasiona said this was the largest delegation visit ever. He was grateful for being warmly welcomed, he was happy to be able to visit IPB University.
“We came with 29 delegates from 18 faculty members of universities in the Philippines. I believe with this exchange of knowledge and collaboration we can develop innovations and make community development activities,” he said.
He continued, that the members of the delegation were very excited about participating in the activities and learning in the next few days and hoped that with the learning experience here they could bring knowledge that could be applied in their respective universities.
The first day of the visit was a material presentation conducted by several speakers, one of them being the Director of Global Connectivity, Dr Eva Anggraini.
She explained that IPB University is a university that has received various awards that are used to assess the performance that has been carried out by IPB University.
“Almost all study programs at IPB University have received national and international accreditation, we have also collaborated with 329 institutions from 449 collaborations that have been carried out,” said Dr Eva.
Another speaker, Dr Eng Obie Farobie, Assistant Director of Basic and Applied Research – Directorate of Research and Innovation of IPB University explained about various research, innovations, and community development that have been carried out by IPB University. “IPB University has produced hundreds of innovations in agriculture, especially in the context of community development such as the innovation of IPB 3S Rice, Calina Papaya which has been exported to 11 countries to PK1 Pineapple,” said Dr Obie.
Meanwhile, Eny Widyiya Astuti, Head of Standards and Quality Assessment presented the quality policy. “IPB University’s quality policy states that with a high commitment to quality, IPB University consistently and accountability produces competent graduates in the fields of agriculture, marine science, and tropical biosciences for the progress of the nation,” said Eny.
The delegation visit will be held for three days by visiting various places such as the IPB Museum, Agribusiness Techno Park (ATP), Science Techno Park (STP), Serambi Botani, SEAMEO BIOTROP Agricultural Development Polytechnic (Polbangtan) to workshop activities at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC). (Lp) (IAAS/TNY)