Innovative! Lecturer Serving IPB, Turning Banana Stems into Twisted Threads and Creative Products in Sidorejo

Innovative! Lecturer Serving IPB, Turning Banana Stems into Twisted Threads and Creative Products in Sidorejo

Inovatif! Dosen Mengabdi IPB, Olah Batang Pisang Jadi Benang Pilin dan Produk Kreatif di Sidorejo

Dr Siti Nikmatin and a team of IPB University Lecturers from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) provided education, knowledge sharing, interactive discussions related to research innovation, scale up and commercialization in Sidorejo Village, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java.

The IPB University Lecturer Service Program focuses on the use of banana stems and their processing into twisted threads to be used as various consumable creative industrial products. The target partners are members of farmer groups, namely village youth and housewives in Sidorejo Village.

“This activity aims to fill the farmer group’s free time after working in the fields and improve their family’s economy,” said Dr Siti Nikmatin in training with village residents.

The abundance of banana stem waste, he said, can be used as twisted thread material as raw material for various crafts such as cloth, table mats, mats, baskets and other consumable products.

“This is an implementation of research and innovation from IPB University for the development of independent villages,” she added.

Dr Siti Nikmatin explained that the basic problem experienced by farmer groups is the difficulty of accelerating the sale of handicraft products from banana stems in the domestic market.

“Therefore, through the Serving Lecturer program, knowledge and technology transfer is carried out in the production process, design according to the market, online sales and collaboration or partnership with the private sector or government agencies,” she continued.

In this activity, representatives of farmer groups expressed their gratitude and pride for the IPB University lecturer team who had helped the community to work and innovate.

According to Dr Siti Nikmatin, significant changes were seen in the knowledge and skills of the farmer group during the training which took place in one of the farmer group houses. This is measured through the achievements of creative industry products produced in various types, motifs and colors as well as neatness in workmanship.

“Products based on banana stems are sold at affordable and competitive prices with similar products made from saw leaf, water hyacinth, bamboo, rattan and others,” she explained.

The IPB University Lecturer Service activity was also attended by two IPB University students who took part in the Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) program from FMIPA and the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FATETA). Their participation is an experience in the learning process outside campus, namely interacting with village residents, knowing rural conditions and implementing theory into application. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Res)