Prof Mala Nurilmala’s Halal Collagen-Gelatin Innovation wins second place in Academic Leaders 2023

Prof Mala Nurilmala’s Halal Collagen-Gelatin Innovation wins second place in Academic Leaders 2023

Usung Inovasi Kolagen-Gelatin Halal, Prof Mala Nurilmala Raih Juara Kedua Academic Leaders 2023

Prof Mala Nurilmala, Professor of IPB University from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) managed to become the second winner in the Academic Leaders in Maritime Affairs. She won the award after promoting halal collagen-gelatin innovation for food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

She hopes that this event can be an encouragement for lecturers to work, innovate and contribute collectively, both with students and colleagues nationally and globally in accordance with their respective sciences. Thus, every work of academics on campus can benefit widely.

“Academic Leader is an opportunity to promote our knowledge and achievements and become a trigger for other colleagues to take part nationally and internationally,” she said.

She said that the lecturers who were crowned were not only chosen for their tridharma achievements which include brilliance in learning, research and community service. But also based on leadership capacity in science and track record in building national and global networks.

“Through this event, hopefully the next generation will care about the surrounding environment by contributing through their knowledge, so that the existence of academics can be felt and needed in the development of the nation towards the Golden Indonesia 2045,” she said.

Before receiving the Academic Leaders award, as many as 16 awards had been received by this IPB University Professor. Some of them are the Bogor Regional Innovation Title 2022, DIKTI awards for high-quality scientific articles and productive writers in 2021. She also won 1st place for regional innovation in 2019.

From 2019 to 2023, there were a total of 15 maritime researches, 10 of which were chaired by Prof Mala. To date, there are 55 international scientific articles by Prof Mala indexed by Scopus.

Her experience as a national and international speaker is undoubted. Since 2020, Prof Mala has recorded 51 activities as a speaker in his scientific field. Tohoku University Japan often invites him to be a guest lecturer. She has also been a guest lecturer at Wageningen University Research, the Netherlands and the University of Norway. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/NVA)