IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Socialization of Regulations and Implementation of Student Research Result Seminars

IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Socialization of Regulations and Implementation of Student Research Result Seminars

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Adakan Sosialisasi Peraturan dan Pelaksanaan Seminar Hasil Penelitian Mahasiswa

Postgraduate School (SPs) IPB University held a socialization of regulations and implementation of student research results seminars for the 2023/2024 Academic Year. This activity is one of the mandatory requirements for registration of results seminars for doctoral and master’s program students. The activity was carried out online, and attended by 1591 active students of doctoral and master programs and 58 seminar lecturers as socialization presenters.

Prof Agus Buono, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University in the field of Academic and Student Affairs said that the socialization of regulations and implementation of the results seminar is required for all active students and it is hoped that students can understand the provisions that must be done before the implementation of their research results seminar.

“This socialization is always held every semester and the hope is that students can learn and be skilled in presenting the results of their research both written and oral,” he said.

Prof Agus added that the research results seminar activity will provide an opportunity for students to accommodate input from the academic forum to improve their research reports, both theses for master’s programs and dissertations for doctoral programs before carrying out the final exam.

“The implementation of the SPs IPB University results seminar consists of five scientific groups, namely plant or plant science; animal and health science; engineering science, information technology, and planning; social science humanities; and economics, management, business and policy science,” he added.

On the same occasion, Nur Sulianti Suci Pertiwi, Head of the Subdivision of Education and Student Affairs of SPs IPB University explained that the criteria for assessing the results seminar were related to the quality of the seminar paper which included the format of the paper writing. In addition, student performance during the seminar is included in the assessment which includes the quality of the paper presentation and the quality of the presenter’s answers to questions from the results seminar participants.

“The writing of the results seminar paper is the essence of all or part of the student’s thesis or dissertation. The paper is written in standard Indonesian or English following the writing format in the Guidelines for Writing Scientific Work (PPKI) for the final assignment of students that has been published by IPB University,” he explained. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/TNY)