Developing Entrepreneurial Ambition, LPDP Awardee IPB University Holds Creative Economy Seminar

Developing Entrepreneurial Ambition, LPDP Awardee IPB University Holds Creative Economy Seminar

Kembangkan Semangat Wirausaha, Awardee LPDP IPB University Adakan Seminar Ekonomi Kreatif

Awardees of the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a Creative Economy Seminar with the theme ‘Creative Economy for a Bright Future’ at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus (18/11). This activity was attended by 140 participants from students, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), creative economy actors and the general public.

This activity presented speakers Teguh Ponco Pamungkas, Vice Chairman of the Creative Economy Division of the Bogor City Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and Aang Permana, an entrepreneur, founder of SIPETEK and MSME mentor.

The objectives of this activity include increasing the marketing capacity of MSME players, developing the entrepreneurial spirit of IPB University students and the general public in supporting creative economic activities.

Prof Agus Buono, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University for Academic and Student Affairs welcomed this activity. According to him, this seminar is very useful especially for students.

In the midst of the challenges of the world of work and increasingly fierce competition, with this activity participants can learn various aspects of the creative economy and marketing digitalisation to answer future challenges.

“I really appreciate the non-academic activities organised by LPDP awardees. This activity can certainly answer creative solutions that can provide benefits in generating income. Of course, besides being active in this activity, we advise that LPDP awardees also focus on their studies so that they can graduate on time,” he said.

Gunawan, LPDP IPB University Awardee Coordinator expressed his appreciation to the participants and speakers in this activity. It is hoped that through this activity, LPDP awardees can gain new knowledge, benefits and can be implemented after graduation.

“We thank you for organising this activity so that we can understand the current trends and developments in the creative economy,” he added.

Rahmat Dilta Harahap, the chief executive of this activity said that this activity was the first creative economy seminar agenda carried out by the LPDP Awardee Village. “We hope this activity will continue to help various parties engaged in the creative economy and MSMEs in general,” he said.

Meanwhile, Teguh Ponco Pamungkas started the material by explaining the current 17 creative economy subsectors, namely game development; product design; film, animation and video; television and radio; performing arts; architecture; music; fashion; photography; craft; publishing; interior design; fine arts; culinary; visual communication design; advertising and applications.

“Currently, the creative economy has fulfilled 14 fields, except for architecture, publishing and interior design. Keep in mind that there are three important pillars in the creative economy to develop, namely education, communication and interaction,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Aang Permana explained about tips for successful entrepreneurship. Digital marketing, he said, is very necessary for MSME players.

He gave an example of how the experience gained when starting a SIPETEK business with not too much capital and consumers. But by doing business in the village and marketing it in the city with digital marketing, the business can run smoothly.

“Through this experience we call SIPETEK Customer Journey, which is to market our products we must have several aspects including awareness, interest, desire and action to run,” he added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)