IPB University Lecturer Introduces the Advantages of Sustainable Biological Fertilizer to the Regent of Blora

IPB University Lecturer Introduces the Advantages of Sustainable Biological Fertilizer to the Regent of Blora

Dosen IPB University Kenalkan Kelebihan Pupuk Hayati Berkelanjutan Kepada Bupati Blora

Dr Yunik Istikorini, lecturer at the Department of Silviculture, along with other young lecturers from the Department of Plant Protection, IPB University, namely Fitrianingrum Kurniawati and Nadzirum Mubin, introduced the various advantages of biological fertilizer.

This activity was attended directly by the Regent of Blora, H Arief Rohman along with other officials as well as the Gondel Village farmer group along with Family Welfare Empowerment Women (PKK) on 11/11 at the Gondel Village Hall Office, Kedungtuban District, Blora Regency.

“Biological fertilizer is organic fertilizer added with beneficial microbes. “There are many potential microbes that can be added to organic fertilizer so that the fertilizer has added value so that the minerals in the fertilizer can be properly absorbed by plants,” said Yunik.

She mentioned many potential microbes such as Trichoderma, Gliocladium, Bacillus, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Azosprillium, and Azotobacter. These potential microbes are very easy to obtain, for example from forest soil, areas around the roots (rhizosphere) of bamboo, bananas, grass, and other healthy plants.

“Plants to which biofertilizer is added have advantages compared to synthetic fertilizer. “Biological fertilizers that are added to plants tend to be healthier and more productive and have higher productivity than plants that are added to synthetic fertilizers,” she said.

She explained that the use of synthetic fertilizers has the opposite impact, apart from being expensive, synthetic fertilizers are difficult to obtain. Excessive and continuous use of synthetic fertilizers can cause soil damage so that planting in the following season can reduce plant productivity.

The Regent of Blora welcomed this program, apart from being able to independently make organic biological fertilizer, it is also hoped that biological fertilizer will be able to become a product that can later be bought and sold.

“This program is so good that it is able to provide additional income for farmer groups in Blora Regency,” said Arief. (Lp) (IAAS/Res)