IPB University PSP Department Lecturers, BRIN and Local Government Build Fisheries Sector in Central Bangka Regency

IPB University PSP Department Lecturers, BRIN and Local Government Build Fisheries Sector in Central Bangka Regency

Dosen Departemen PSP IPB University Bersama BRIN dan Pemda Bangun Sektor Perikanan di Kabupaten Bangka Tengah

The Department of Fisheries Resource Utilisation (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University together with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the Central Bangka Regency Government (Pemkab) work together to develop the fisheries sector in Central Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

The initiation step was initiated by holding a focus group discussion (FGD) and field survey in Central Bangka Regency. The FGD aims to explain the condition of problems and potentials in order to make a development plan for the fisheries sector in Central Bangka Regency.

In this activity, the PSP IPB University lecturer team was represented by Prof Mulyono, Prof Mohammad Imron, Dr Didin Komarudin and Shidiq Lanang MSi. Prof Mulyono conveyed the importance of collaboration between agencies for the success of regional development.

“Regional development from upstream to downstream will be easier if there is good cooperation between agencies and the encouragement of the latest science, technology and art (ipteks) to increase productivity,” he explained.

“Hopefully, IPB University and BRIN will have innovations that can be implemented for the development of Central Bangka Regency,” he added.

According to him, Central Bangka Regency is feasible to develop its fisheries potential. A number of these potentials are in the form of 195 km of coastline, 119,139.4 ha (52.5 per cent) of coastal villages and 11 islands. Central Bangka waters are included in fisheries management zone (WPP) 711 with 23 coastal villages (36.5 per cent) and 3,279 fishery households (RTP).

The field survey agenda was carried out by visiting several places, starting from the northern part of Central Bangka such as the fish auction site (TPI), fishermen cooperative and salted fish centre in Batu Belubang Village, mangrove crab apartment cultivation centre and vaname shrimp biofloc, cold storage and Gurih DD souvenir centre in Kurau Village.

Furthermore, the location visit shifted to the south of Central Bangka, precisely in the Sungaiselan Fishing Port (PPI) area, Sungaiselan kemplang production centre and Sungaiselan fishermen cooperative.

“It is natural that each region has its own problems. But the hope is that by utilising the potential as well as possible, it can overcome these problems. Hopefully this cooperation will run well and certainly benefit Central Bangka Regency,” said Prof Mulyono.

The Fisheries Service of Central Bangka Regency itself already has several innovations, including Sidolpin (Information System for Potential Fishing Areas), Dayang Mesra (People-Scale Vaname Shrimp Cultivation), People’s Feed (People-Scale Feed Factory), Teman Chating (Alternative Activities for Fishermen Communities Through Crab Apartment Crab House), Fisheries Social Security, Yellow Spice Canned Packaging, and Maritime Kiosks. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)