IPB University Lecturers Apply Effective Communication to Strengthen Inter-Institutions in Kajanan Village, Bali

IPB University Lecturers Apply Effective Communication to Strengthen Inter-Institutions in Kajanan Village, Bali

Dosen IPB University Terapkan Komunikasi Efektif untuk Penguatan Antarlembaga di Kampung Kajanan, Bali

In the context of the 2023 Lecturer Serving Innovation (DMI) program, IPB University lecturers held a meeting between the sub-district government and family welfare empowerment (PKK) in the Village Hall of Kampung Kajanan, Buleleng Regency, Bali on Friday (3/11). The meeting discussed effective communication and synergy between institutions for welfare.

Dr Siti Amanah, IPB University lecturer from the Department of Communication Science and Community Development (SKPM), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) who was involved said that effective communication needs to be improved at all stages of the communication process.

These stages start from the source of the message, the sender of the message, the content of the message, and the communication channel (both face-to-face and using communication media), to the recipient of the message. This also applies between PKK administrators and members, between PKK and Posyandu, as well as PKK and sub-district heads and sub-district officials.

“Through effective communication, it can be ensured that the messages exchanged can be conveyed well, so that more people are exposed to the information and receive feedback,” she explained.

Conflict, he continued, can be prevented and resolved well if the parties are able to know what the other party needs.

The meeting was also filled with simulations. Participants were grouped into several groups randomly. Each group has the task of arranging a broken square into a complete square. They must complete tasks without communicating verbally.

“Through simulation, participants gain experience that communication requires understanding between people. “We need to exchange messages both verbally and non-verbally, as well as knowing the purpose of the communication,” she said.

Dr Siti Amanah added, without having adequate soft skills, effective communication between parties is difficult to realize. In a multi-stakeholder meeting in the sub-district, the importance of maintaining a healthy diet through a menu that is nutritious, balanced, healthy, and safe (B2SA) was also discussed.

“We hope that IPB University’s work at the site level can be beneficial for the community, especially PKK cadres and sub-district governments in strengthening inter-institutional relations with effective communication,” she said.

In this way, she said, family welfare increases, and from a development perspective, sustainable development goals (SDGs) can be achieved, in this context focused on SDGs 1 (reducing poverty) and SDGs 2 (zero hunger).

In this regard, the Chairman of Kampung Kajanan Village, I Ketut Sudarsana, SSos, MAP said that communication had been carried out well between institutions, such as sub-district officials and PKK, especially in the health sector.

His party adheres to the motto ‘Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso, Tut Wuri Handayani’ which emphasizes that leaders must be able to be good role models for the people when they are at the front, build enthusiasm in the community and provide support from behind. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Res)