UKF IPB University Introduces Bird of Prey Identification Techniques in Sukaharja Village

UKF IPB University Introduces Bird of Prey Identification Techniques in Sukaharja Village

UKF IPB University Kenalkan Teknik Identifikasi Burung Pemangsa di Desa Sukaharja
Student Insight EN

Uni Konservasi Fauna (UKF) IPB University conducted Social Conservation Program (SCP) activities in Sukaharja Village, Sukamakmur District, Bogor Regency. This activity collaborates with the Village Patriot of Sukaharja Village Placement in carrying out conservation education to children and the Raharja Village Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS).

The series of activities began with providing conservation education to children at Taman Baca Al-Karomah about waste and its creations. In addition, UKF IPB University together with the Bird Observation Group (KPB) introduced migration and training on bird of prey identification techniques as well as flight path monitoring and bird migration observation with POKDARWIS at Mount Pancaniti, Sukaharja Village.

Kang Soleh, a member of the Sukaharja Village Placement Village Patriot said “The collaboration that is the concentration is the Community Reading Park (TBM) regarding environmental education and capacity building in supporting the implementation of tourism activities with the Raharja Tourism Awareness Group, including in observing animals in the Sukaharja village environment to support tourism in the village”, he said.

The development of the potential in Sukaharja Village continues to increase over time. “I hope that Sukaharja Village will not only have good tourism in terms of infrastructure and facilities, but also must continue to pay attention to aspects regarding the sustainability of existing resources,” said Akbar, a student member of UKF IPB University. (*/Lp) (IAAS/SHY)