IPB University Internal Audit Office Benchmarking Internal Control System Development to SPI ITB

IPB University Internal Audit Office Benchmarking Internal Control System Development to SPI ITB

Kantor Audit Internal IPB University Benchmarking Pengembangan Sistem Pengawasan Internal ke SPI ITB

The Internal Audit Office (KAI) of IPB University, conducted benchmarking to the Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) of the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Friday 20/10. The aim of the benchmarking was sharing related to internal supervision of collaboration, research and business activities ranging from academic, supporting and commercial at ITB.

Prof Hendra Gunawan, as the Chairman of SPI ITB explained about the internal control system in ITB, such as the Internal Audit Charter, the criteria for SPI success, the general plan for SPI development, the Internal Audit Guidelines and the Internal Audit Information System.

The team from KAI IPB University discussed the establishment of the audit universe in ITB, the implementation of audits on internal control in the field of resources, the quality assurance process for the implementation of audits in ITB, the measurement of ITB SPI success indicators and the Information System Supporting Evaluation, Review, Monitoring, Internal Audit (SIPERMAI).

Dr Wawan Oktariza as Chairman of KAI IPB University conveyed the importance of inter-SPI knowledge sharing in legal entity state universities (PTN-BH). “This effort is important as a means of good communication between SPIs. The results of this benchmarking will be used as material for the development of the internal control system at IPB University,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)