Ready to Become Young Entrepreneurs, IPB University Students Join Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workshop

Ready to Become Young Entrepreneurs, IPB University Students Join Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workshop

Siap Jadi Entrepreneur Muda, Mahasiswa IPB University Ikuti Workshop Disciplined Entrepreneurship

Disciplined entrepreneurship will change the way of thinking in starting a business. Many believe that entrepreneurship cannot be taught, but great entrepreneurs are not born with something special but they just produce great products.

IPB University students in collaboration with Ruber Academy, a professional coaching and training platform, held a workshop to teach how to become an entrepreneur. This activity was held at Soka Innovation Lab Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, recently.

“This workshop not only provides material taken from the book Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup which is a book by Bill Aulet, but this workshop applies real case studies given to hone the skills and critical thinking of the participants,” said Apriyani, a student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University.

She also revealed that the workshop participants completed the analysis in groups with the Ruber Academy case study. They analysed each step of the 24 steps by discussing with each other and put it in a presentation deck.

Chief of Finance and Human Resources of Ruber Academy, Ira Fadilah, said that the activity was expected to shape the mindset of young talents to have an entrepreneurial spirit. “It is hoped that in the future the younger generation can create new jobs in the community,” said Ira.

In addition to the workshop activities, participants were also offered to take part in other activities in developing skills in collaboration with Ruber Academy to prepare participants for the post-campus workforce. (Lp) (IAAS/RUM)