IPB University Graduate School Biochemistry Doctoral Program Holds Curriculum Workshop to Review K2020

IPB University Graduate School Biochemistry Doctoral Program Holds Curriculum Workshop to Review K2020

Prodi Doktor Biokimia Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Adakan Lokakarya Kurikulum untuk Mereview K2020

The Biochemistry Doctoral Study Program (BIK) of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a doctoral program curriculum workshop at the IPB International Convention Center, Bogor on 11/10.

Director of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology of IPB University, Ir Lien Herlina, in her speech said that the structure of the 2020 Curriculum (K2020) of the Biochemistry doctoral program in its journey developed science through research so that it was not limited to the previous mindset.

“K2020 multistrata doctoral programs are given space to build resilience in order to catch up with externals which can currently change very quickly and can consider the role of artificial intelligence (AI) both in learning and research, so that the originality of research is still upheld even though flexibility learning,” she added.

Prof Hasim, Chairman of the BIK Study Program, said that the success of the BIK Study Program in producing graduates with quality competencies and superior character is very much determined by the curriculum structure that is applied.

“The implementation of K2020 is not separated from the limitations and shortcomings in its implementation. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate and absorb input from outside parties for curriculum development in the BIK study program, both masters and doctoral,” he said.

Prof Hasim added that the purpose of this workshop was to obtain input from other parties outside the study program and outside IPB University regarding the curriculum structure, future competency needs, and the latest developments in science and technology that can be applied to curriculum development in the BIK study program.

“It is hoped that all speakers can share practical experiences and examples related to curriculum preparation as well as guidance on the best approaches and strategies in designing a curriculum that is responsive to the latest developments in the field of study,” he said. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/MKY)