Success Tips from an IPB University SKHB Students Who Became a Delegate in AYIMUN 2023

Success Tips from an IPB University SKHB Students Who Became a Delegate in AYIMUN 2023

Kiat Sukses Mahasiswa SKHB IPB University Jadi Delegasi di AYIMUN 2023
Student Insight EN

IPB University students often have inspiring stories to share. Albarido Muhammad is one of them, he had the opportunity to participate in prestigious international conferences, namely Asia Youth International Model United Nations (AYIMUN) 2023.

Albarido Muhammad is a student at IPB University’s School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB). He was selected as one of the delegates for the United Nations (UN) simulated conference organized by the International Global Network in Malaysia, from August 12th to 15th. The International Global Network is a Non-Governmental Organization focused on youth development worldwide.

Albarido expressed that his motivation for participating in international activities is to support his post-campus career and personal development. “As a student, I want to take a step forward to become more competitive. Skills like English, which are required for these activities, can help me advance my career, grow, and go international,” he said, who had previously served as the Chairman of the Student Executive Board (BEM) at SKHB IPB University.

He was selected as one of the delegates, along with 430 students from 39 countries. He represented the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for Mozambique. Other coalitions included the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO), The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), and the World Health Organization (WHO).

“I had the opportunity to simulate being a Foreign Minister for a week, addressing and seeking solutions to the issue of Children Protection Under Conflicted Area and presenting it on the podium,” he continued.

Furthermore, out of the three draft resolutions submitted by three coalitions, the draft he and his team put together became the main resolution for UNICEF. Such an achievement was not easily obtained. Before participating in the event, he prepared a series of strategies to ensure its smooth progress.

“In essence, we don’t need to worry about funding. What matters most is to make the effort to represent the country and open up broader horizons. Opportunities will come from anywhere, including scholarships and fellow students,” Albarido emphasized. Among the strategies he employed were conducting research on the event and funding. He also regularly practiced his presentation skills and prepared presentation materials for a more polished performance.

“These preparations posed a challenge in itself because they required a significant amount of time. I had to strategize to ensure that my academic responsibilities were not disrupted. This time was certainly worth it because I could finally take pride in representing Indonesia and IPB University on the international stage and realizing my potential for further growth,” he stated.

In the future, he plans to participate in similar activities while remaining focused on a career in veterinary medicine. He also hopes that his achievements will open doors to scholarships for further education.

“If we have aspirations to excel on an international scale, we must understand the battleground we will face. We must be prepared, not easily discouraged by financial issues, and focus on things we can control to achieve the best results,” he conveyed.(MW) (IAAS/DSR)