DPMA and the IKK Department of IPB University Organize Quality Family Schools

DPMA and the IKK Department of IPB University Organize Quality Family Schools

DPMA dan Departemen IKK IPB University Menyelenggarakan Sekolah Keluarga Berkualitas

As an effort to strengthen family functions in order to produce superior human resources (HR), IPB University through the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) and the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) organizes a Quality Family School. This program is implemented in three areas, namely in Loji and Balumbang Jaya Villages, West Bogor District, Bogor City and Benteng Village, Ciampea District, Bogor Regency.

Chair of the IKK Department of IPB University, Dr Tin Herawati, said that the availability of quality human resources is very necessary to face the big challenges and vision of welcoming a Golden Indonesia 2045, namely as a superior and advanced nation in the world. For this reason, she considers that the family, as the smallest social institution in society, has a very large role in the formation of quality human resources.

“To produce quality human resources, families must carry out their functions and roles well. The family is the first and main institution in education. “Families protect and care for their children in accordance with the values, norms of society and religion they adhere to so that a quality generation is produced,” she explained.

Dr Tin explained that according to Law No. 52 of 2009, it is stated that the characteristics of a quality family are that it is formed by a valid marriage, devoted to God Almighty, healthy, prosperous, harmonious, advanced, independent, responsible and forward-looking. Families like this are expected to produce quality human resources.

In its implementation, the Quality Family School was attended by 80 participants consisting of families with pregnant mothers, families with children under two years (baduta) and families with children under 5 years (toddlers). This program was carried out in seven meetings.

According to Dr Tin Herawati, quality family school is a form of community service activities carried out by IPB University lecturers, especially IKK Department lecturers in an effort to help families carry out their functions optimally. In this way, a quality family will be created for Indonesia’s golden generation.

At the first meeting, Dr Dwi Hastuti delivered material on ‘Asah-Asih-Nurturance for Smart Children with Character’ in Benteng Village. Meanwhile in Loji Village, Professor of Family Resilience at IPB University, Prof Euis Sunarti explained about the ‘Importance of Family Resilience’. Apart from that, Dr Melly Latifah also delivered material on ‘Characteristics of Baduta Children and the Environment Needed for Optimal Growth and Development’. Other resource persons who will be involved in the next meeting are Dr Tin Herawati, Dr Lilik Noor Yuliati, Dr Yulina Eva Riyani, and Dr Istiqlaliyah Muflikhati.

“Hopefully all the material presented can increase the knowledge and skills of families in creating quality families for Indonesia’s golden generation,” hoped Dr Tin Herawati. (*/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)