Strengthening Leadership Character, IPB University Leadership Dormitory Holds Leadership Talk with  

Strengthening Leadership Character, IPB University Leadership Dormitory Holds Leadership Talk with  

Kuatkan Karakter Kepemimpinan, Asrama Kepemimpinan IPB University Adakan Leadership Talk Bersama

As an effort to answer the leadership crisis in Indonesia, especially on campus, IPB University Leadership Dormitory together with successfully held Leadership Talk: Building Value for Sustainable Organization. This activity is a form of IPB University Leadership Dormitory’s commitment to jointly initiate and produce future leaders.

“There is a common commitment between IPB University’s Leadership Dormitory and in producing future leaders, and collaboration like this must continue to ensure that ideals are achieved in the future,” said Dodi Wahyudi, Senior Leader of IPB Leadership Dormitory.

The Leadership Dormitory is a special place for IPB University students who have an interest in and competence in the field of leadership. They will be educated and nurtured to become the next generation in the future.

In its journey, the Leadership Dormitory not only produced the head of the student organization (ormawa) at IPB University but also succeeded in delivering its cadres to become outstanding students (mapres), IPB Ambassadors, entrepreneurs, and other achievements at the national and international levels. is a nonprofit social startup engaged in individual development. The startup is committed to improving the leadership ecosystem through various education and training activities.

Leadership Talk presented three speakers who are competent in leadership development, namely Agus Harianto (Chairman of Pondok Inspirasi Foundation), Shendy Ristandi (Community Engagement Coordinator at Indorelawan), and Ainun Fiki (Leadership Dormitory Alumni). The three speakers delivered material on understanding oneself and others, values in organizations, and leadership character.

“The material is unity in forming a strong leader. In the process of becoming a figure at the top of leadership, everyone must be able to recognize themselves, know the values that exist in themselves and the organization, and understand the importance of character for future leaders,” said Dodi.

Ishaq as President of the IPB University Leadership Dormitory said, “The activities are good, and the material points presented are very relevant to what students feel today. For this reason, as a prospective leader, everyone must be able to foster a sense of empathy and build a good leadership character foundation to answer existing strategic issues.”

“Hopefully, activities like this in the future can continue to be implemented as a forum for discussion and evaluation to strengthen leadership character, especially for cadres of the IPB University Leadership Dormitory,” Ishaq added. (*/Rz) (IAAS/MZS)