Researchers Explain Smart Technology for Sustainable Capture Fisheries at IPB University 

Researchers Explain Smart Technology for Sustainable Capture Fisheries at IPB University 

Para Peneliti Paparkan Teknologi Cerdas Perikanan Tangkap Berkelanjutan di IPB University

Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK), IPB University organized ‘The 2nd Capture Fisheries International Seminar: Smart Technology for Quota-Based Sustainable Fisheries’. The activity was held at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC) in collaboration with the Capture Fisheries Consortium Partnership Forum (FK2PT) and the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS), Thursday (12/10).

This seminar presents papers from researchers/academics from within and outside the country related to the results of research/studies on current technology, as well as new concepts that can be used to develop capture fisheries.

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria conveyed that this activity could be a place to disseminate information on research results in the field of capture fisheries. This kind of scientific forum can also be used as information or reference material for stakeholders.

“This activity is a momentum to synergize academics, government, business actors, and the community in strengthening the fisheries and marine sector by applying technology and environmental preservation. In addition, this seminar is expected to increase the number of research publications in reputable international journals from researchers. Thus, this will have an impact on the development of the capture fisheries industry,” he said.

Chairman of the Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resources Agency (BRSDM KP), Dr I Nyoman Radiarta, conveyed the importance of this international seminar for the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP). The reason is, currently KKP has new regulations related to fishing quotas. “Therefore, through this media, we socialize and introduce sustainable fisheries resource policies,” he said.

He added, KKP is carrying out five priority programs based on the blue economy. One of the five programs is quota-based measured fishing which is very relevant to this seminar.

Dean of FPIK IPB University, Prof Fredinan Yulianda added that IPB University as a university is responsible for sustainable fisheries development, especially from a scientific aspect.

“Government policies must be able to encourage the optimization of capture fisheries. Do not let the ‘policy’ policy become an obstacle. To strengthen the policy, we need scientific technology, and that’s where we come in. Our role is needed to fill in the background of policy formation and support sustainable fisheries programs,” he said.

Furthermore, Prof Fredinan said that this seminar is a lesson learned that can be utilized to capture the problems that occur in various countries. However, he emphasized that the problems in Indonesia are certainly not the same as those in other countries.

“This event is our opportunity to encourage the birth of policies that support the development of fisheries. With various problems and learning from other countries, we can improve our national fisheries,” he concluded. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/MKY)