Improving Publications, IPB University Vocational School Holds Workshop on the Preparation of Applied Research Guidelines

The Vocational School of IPB University held a Workshop on the Preparation of Applied Research Criteria Guidelines with the theme Applied Research and Technology-Based Innovation in the Era of Society 5.0. The event was held at the IPB International Convention Centre, Bogor on Tuesday (10/10).
The event was held in order to improve the understanding of applied research criteria for lecturers in the Vocational School of IPB University. In terms of technology incubation for downstream processes towards commercial scale production processes and partnering with the business world of the industrial world (DUDI).
Dean of IPB University Vocational School, Dr Aceng Hidayat in his speech revealed, research publications are important to improve the quality of the teaching team at IPB University Vocational School. Publications are considered to be a medium to encourage the refinement of ideas and provide a number of challenges for researchers. In the end, it will be able to improve the quality of education.
“But more important than that is how the research made by scientists can contribute to humanitarian issues. This has been a tradition since the Greeks. They can read phenomena to produce various formulas as a solution that is the essence of research,” said Dr Aceng.
On the same occasion, the Director of Research and Innovation of IPB University, Prof Sugeng Heri Suseno as the resource person explained five concepts of applied research based on society 5.0. These concepts include integration of technology and society, human-centred design, sustainability, inclusiveness, and cooperation and co-creation.
“Firstly, applied research must have integration between technology and society. This integration is used to answer problems ranging from economic aspects, education to health. Applied research must be attached to how the results of existing research must be truly utilised by the community,” explained Prof Sugeng.
Furthermore, he also emphasised the need for lecturers at IPB University Vocational School to continue to collaborate with various research partners. Good relationships will facilitate cooperation in various researches that will continue to be developed.
“From now on, cooperation with various partners must continue to be well established. Partners can be companies, villages, communities and others,” he said.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the workshop committee, Ridwan Siskandar, SSi, MSi hoped that the activity could increase the spirit of scientific publication of every lecturer in the Vocational School of IPB University. “Hopefully, this activity is also to uniform the understanding of applied research for every lecturer at the Vocational School of IPB University as well as a step to achieve the target of the main performance indicators (IKU) of higher education,” Ridwan concluded. (GBD/ASW/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)