Smarties: IPB University Student Breakthrough to Reduce the Culture of Cheating on Students

Smarties: IPB University Student Breakthrough to Reduce the Culture of Cheating on Students

Smarties: Terobosan Mahasiswa IPB University Kurangi Budaya Menyontek Siswa
Student Insight EN

Education is the main key in shaping a person’s character development and morals, and the principle of honesty is an important basis to get through this process. In a mission to teach children important principles, the students from IPB University launched a program called “Smarties: Smart Kids with Smarts Ways”.

Smarties is a breakthrough for IPB University students who passed funding for the Community Service Student Creativity Program (PKM-PM) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). The program is implemented using an approach adapted from the seven stages of brain-based learning.

“The idea for Smarties started from our concern about the increasing cheating behavior among children. This program was developed to answer these problems and help children develop the character of honesty and good ethics from an early age,” said Siti Yuri, team leader.

According to Yuri, the main goal of Smarties is to increase students’ enthusiasm for learning and self-confidence. Apart from that, this program is packaged in a fun way through various games, so that without realizing it, children will process information and store it in memory through games.

These games include Brain Gym, an exercise that can stimulate the brain so that it can work optimally; Choose an Image of Honesty, to hone creativity and increase self-confidence; and Snakes and Ladders Education, which stimulates children’s memories by repeating questions about honesty.

Not only that, there are also Truth or Dare games and Honesty Pledge Handprints as proof that they will remember that they have kept their promise and will be honest in the future. “All children are given the choice to do it or not, so they make this promise out of their own awareness,” said Yuri.

She said that the Smarties program was implemented for two months for grade 2 students at SDN 01 Babakan Dramaga, Bogor. Apart from children, said Yuri, Smarties are also aimed at parents as supporting partners to achieve strengthening honesty in children.

“Since its implementation, Smarties has had a significant positive impact. From the results of the pre-test and post-test, there was an increase in honesty behavior and a decrease in the level of cheating. “Children are also starting to gain a better understanding of study ethics and responsibility,” she added.

Yuri said, “Smarties is a real example of how character education can be integrated into the curriculum to overcome social problems such as cheating among children. By focusing on the values ​​of honesty and ethics, Smarties aims to create a generation whose character is honest and confident.”

According to her, with the support of teachers, parents and the community, Smarties provides hope for positive changes in the learning culture of children throughout the country. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RZL)