Exposing the Results of Cooperation, IPB University and Riau Province Present Scholarships for 34 Students

Exposing the Results of Cooperation, IPB University and Riau Province Present Scholarships for 34 Students

Paparkan Hasil Kerja Sama, IPB University dan Provinsi Riau Serahkan Beasiswa untuk 34 Mahasiswa

IPB University and Riau Province held a presentation of the results of cooperation in the form of the preparation of Detail Engineering Design (DED), studies and institutions of the Sultan Syarif Hasyim (SSH) Grand Forest Park (Tahura). As a follow-up to the cooperation between the two parties, scholarships were also handed over to IPB University students from Riau.

The Governor of Riau Province, Drs H Syamsuar, expressed his gratitude for being accepted at IPB University so that he could attend the presentation of the results of the collaboration between IPB University, Riau Province and Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR).

“I am grateful to IPB University, especially the Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) which has deigned to make a study of the Great Forest Park, so that the place does not become an illegal forest place,” he said on Wednesday, 11/10 in the Academic Senate Room, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.

Drs H Syamsuar explained, currently Tahura Sultan Syarif Hasyim covers an area of more than two thousand hectares. According to him, the land needs to be saved because it is green and there are still wild animals. Actually, this place is promised for the development of tourist attractions, including for educational tourism.

“So, Tahura is not only prepared for educational tourism, but many can actually be obtained. We hope this study is made to develop Riau Province for decades to come in order to save the environment as well as become an urban forest that can absorb carbon and benefit the people of Riau,” he explained.

The activity of exposure to the results of cooperation was followed by the handover of scholarships to 34 IPB University students consisting of 25 undergraduate students, 7 master students and 2 doctoral students.

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria thanked the Governor of Riau Province, for taking the time to attend and collaborate with IPB University. He revealed that it was an honour to continue to establish friendship and cooperation with Riau Province.

“The delivery of this scholarship is very meaningful, because indeed at IPB University we have a policy that no student should stop studying because of economic factors. Therefore, with the presence of the governor providing scholarships it is very helpful for students,” he said.

“Hopefully this cooperation can run smoothly. IPB University is open to support and improve the progress of Riau Province,” he concluded. (Lp/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)