IPB University Faculty of Animal Science Lecturer Implements New GDFP Guidelines for Dairy Cattle Farmers in Bogor  

IPB University Faculty of Animal Science Lecturer Implements New GDFP Guidelines for Dairy Cattle Farmers in Bogor  

Dosen Fapet IPB University Implementasikan Panduan Baru GDFP pada Peternak Sapi Perah di Bogor

IPB University Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) lecturer, Dr Iyep Komala has created a Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) guide for smallholder dairy farming.

This guide has been applied to groups of breeders in Cijeruk, Bogor, West Java since early September.

“This guide is adapted to the current conditions of people’s dairy farming. Good implementation of GDFP will have an impact on increasing milk production and quality,” explained Dr Iyep.

He said that the implementation of the guidelines was carried out through a community service program. Various GDFP training and assistance has been prepared, including related to breeding and reproduction, feed and drinking water management, cage and equipment management, livestock health and welfare and the environment, as well as livestock waste management.

“Currently, farmers can make processed milk into pasteurized milk, milk dodol, milk crackers, mozzarella cheese and yoghurt. They have also been able to process waste into vermicompost,” said Dr Iyep explaining the program’s achievements.

He also included these processed products to be exhibited at the International Livestock, Dairy, Meat Processing and Aquaculture Exposition (ILDEX) Indonesia 2023 at ICE BSD, 20-22 September. The breeders also attended the international seminar held by the IPB University Faculty of Animal Science Alumni Association (Hanter) at the international pareman.

The service program was attended by breeders from 4 livestock groups, namely the Mandiri Sejahtera Livestock Group, the Kania Group, the Bina Mandiri Group, and the Berkarya Youth Group. Farmer assistance is provided by lecturers and students of the Fapet, IPB University.

“In this program, we fielded 8 students and it became the flagship program of the Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) Fapet IPB University, namely in the form of a capstone program that can be equated with several courses,” said Dr Iyep.

Therefore, programs like this are strongly supported by the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development, IPB University, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). The reason is, this activity benefits various parties. Dairy farmers can develop, students also get semester credit units (SKS). Meanwhile, for lecturers, they can carry out activities outside campus which have an impact on achieving key performance indicators (KPI).

“It is hoped that this service program will provide benefits to farmers so that they are more skilled in cultivating dairy cattle by implementing GDFP properly. That way, farmers can get optimal milk production with good quality, and in the future they will be able to become independent and strong farmers,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RZL)