BPRS Botani IPB Receives Award for Best Financial Performance from Infobank

BPRS Botani IPB Receives Award for Best Financial Performance from Infobank

BPRS Botani IPB Raih Penghargaan Kinerja Keuangan Terbaik dari Infobank

PT Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Botani Bina Rahmah, also known as BPRS Botani IPB, has received the Infobank Sharia Recognition 2023 award for the best financial performance in the category of BPRS with assets ranging from Rp 100 billion to Rp 250 billion. The award was presented at the Islamic Business Forum (IBF) 2023 held at Hotel Kempinski, Jakarta, on Wednesday (27/9).

This award successfully marks the second consecutive win for BPRS Botani Bina Rahmah, following their achievement in the same category last year. However, this year, the award was received in a category with larger asset value.

In IBS 2023, there were a total of 34 BUMN and 116 of the best Islamic financial institutions in this year. These 116 Islamic financial institutions were categorized into several clusters, namely Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS), Islamic Business Units (UUS), BPRS, and Islamic Insurance Companies.

The Chief Executive Officer of BPRS Botani, Abdillah Jetha Putra, received the award accompanied by Dr Naufal Mahfudz, the Director of PT Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST) Holding Company IPB University, who also represented the controlling shareholders. Also present were Ahmad Mukhlis Yusuf as the Independent Commissioner of PT BLST and Budy Sutra Darmawan as the Operational Director of BPRS Botani.

“This award should certainly serve as a source of encouragement and motivation for all levels of management and employees at BPRS Botani, from the highest level to the lowest, to continue transforming into a modern BPRS capable of adapting to every change,” said Dr Naufal shortfly after receiving the award.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Mukhlis emphasized that the award reflects the commitment of BPRS Botani’s management and all its employees to meet the expectations of stakeholders, investors, as well as customers, especially in strengthening the Islamic economy. This award encourages everyone to fulfill their entrusted responsibilities.

Vice Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, stated during the opening remarks at the IBF 2023 event that the implementation of governance, risk, and compliance not only has a positive impact on the overall ecosystem but also brings its own benefits to financial institutions that practice it. In addition, failure to comply with compliance aspects can lead to financial institutions being fined and facing legal consequences.

Concurrently, Bambang Widjanarko, Deputy Commissioner for Government Banks and Sharia of the Financial Services Authority, stated in his closing remarks that as a leading country in the world in the field of Islamic finance and banking, Indonesia needs to continue its transformation efforts to enhance resilience and competitiveness. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ZRT)